Over the horizon came two figures. One purple cat and one pink hedgehog. the purple cat was wearing a black tank-top and pink shorts with white flip flops. But what really caught Sonic's eye was the pink hedgehog. Her name was Amy Rose. She had on a blue shirt exposing one of her shoulders and her belly and black shorts. In the middle of her shirt was a red heart, and to add to the look, she wore red flip flops. Her hair was a little longer than her shoulders. He stared at her with amazement. He couldn't take his eyes off her.
(that moment Sonic's POV)
What happened while I was gone? I left for 5 years and I come back to this? Wow. I just hope she won't give me one of her signature death hugs, even though I missed them while I was gone.
"Sonic?" she said awakening me from my thoughts, waving a hand infront of my face, "are you okay?"
"Y-Yeah I am fine" I turned my head so she wouldn't see the blush that was creeping up my neck and face.
"You sure because now you are blushing...it's kinda abnormal for you to do that." she giggled at me. Just to my luck, she saw my blush.
All I could do was nod and hope she would just drop the subject.
"Okay well anyways welcome home sonic!" She gave me a hug. Not a death hug like usual but a soft hug.
Blaze then walked up and gave me a hug too and softly said, "Welcome home."
Once we exchanged all greetings, we continued our game of volleyball.
We decided on playing boys against girls.
Amy served the ball from the side and Silver ran over to it, "I got it I got it!," but he tripped against the sand -somehow- and missed the ball.
"Never mind I don't gots it." he said with his face planted in the sand. I face-palmed and got the ball and passed it back to Amy.
She served back the ball and I caught myself staring at her again. I was staring and staring....but then the ball came plummeting down towards me when I snapped back to reality. I yelped a little and almost missed by a little when trying to hit the ball. But it didn't make it over the net.
"Yes! Two to zip and the girls are in the lead!" Rouge yelled.
"Oh shut it batgirl!" Knuckles snapped back at her.
"Yeah, your the one to talk Knucklehead. You haven't even hit the ball yet." the girls on the other side giggled.
"Oh I don't wanna play anymore..." Knuckles backed away and started to walk down to the shore.
"Oh knucklehead, always overreacting." Rouge protested.
"Well we don't have to play with him because we will beat you girls!" I shouted
"Oh really?!" Amy said then took out her hammer and served the ball to the other side. Luckily, Shadow was there to pass it back and the game was back on.
(30 minuets later Normal POV)
They all had a rough game of volleyball but the girls won. After that they were all ready to eat dinner before parting ways for the night. Knowing Amy, she was prepared with a picnic. They were in awe at all the wonderful foods. They set up at a nearby picnic table and sat down.
Now ready to eat, Tails was sitting on the end next to Cream. Next to Cream was Rouge and Knuckles. On the other side was Silver next to Blaze and Amy and Sonic on the end. Shadow was out walking on the shore because he didn't eat.
"Alright..now you can eat." Amy announced and then they all started to eat.
(Meanwhile Shadow's POV)
I was walking on the coast of emerald beach and thinking about anything that crossed my mind.
'It seems that everyone around me is a couple!' he thought he turned towards the table and saw them talking. 'everyone is a couple, Blaze and Silver, Rouge and Knuckles, Sonic and Amy, and even Tails and Cream. And I am left alone no one to be with.' I kicked a stone that was in front of me and was interrupted by colliding into someone.
"OW!" I heard a voice say. I looked up to see a Black hedgehog with sky blue eyes and tan arms and a tan muzzle. Her bangs were sky blue and were covering her left eye, "Oh I am sorry I should have been watching where I was going!"
"Its okay..." I helped the hedgehog up.
"Thanks" she looked at me with apologetic eyes. I felt a warm feeling inside me when she looked at me like that.
"May I ask your name?" I said a little shyly.
"Yes, my name is Dawn. And who are you?"
I got really shy all of the sudden, "Shadow." I whispered. 'why am I so shy?...I can barely speak! Shadow the hedgehog being shy?!'
"Thats a nice name..."She said, "well I got to go...bye Shadow!"
"Wait!" I called after her, "can I see you sometime?"
"Sure how about tomorrow at central park at 7:00?"
"Sure! See you then Dawn!"
"Bye Shadow!" she then ran off. I stopped there and thought. Maybe I would finally have someone. I then decided to head back to the others.
~~~~~~Authors notes~~~~
Here is another chapter of my first story!! :D hope you all like it! but i have been held up by new years (which is today! :D) and Christmas...so i might post a new chapter tonight but it wont be long. but anyways keep reading "She Has Changed"! :D Fank you all and this is Sonamyjewelkatefan signing out saying "happy new year and I hope to post soon!"
Disclaimer: Sonic characters (c) Sega and Sonic Team
Dawn (c) Me

She Has Changed
FanfictionSonic the hedgehog was called out to leave his friends to defeat Dr Eggman. he was gone for 5 years before returning to station square and now he sees now what he has been missing when he sees...she has changed.