Break up

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I sit quietly alone looking at the laptop screen in front of me. Slowly tears appear dripping down my face. I look around to make sure no one sees me sobbing. The room is cold and dark . Little bedside lights shine showing the small bedroom that I call my own for now till we move to another hotel.Yes I'm alone yet again, Dean and Sam have gone on a hunt while I'm sitting on a bed in a disgusting hotel room.

Being 16 with no friends and family only my two bothers is difficult.I adore my brothers so much but I wish things where different. I just want that normality of life , I don't even go to school. Well I'm home schooled now by a man called Phil Jackson, I despise him. Phil isn't a nice man , well he hasn't hit me in a while so guess things could be worse. But I'm not going to think about Phil as somehow he's disappeared. Something between him and Cas, but I don't know much.

Looking at the laptop screen , I wipe my eyes. Skype calls with my boyfriend Harry is difficult. My brothers would kill me if they found out that I was in a relationship but I guess they will have to find out soon.Well ex boyfriend Harry I guess now after he has been sleeping around with the local slut

"I can't find away to love someone like you , your fucked up. You where just a bet , a joke literally a filthy whore with a fucked up face and body " Harry lists the reasons why he hates me drowning me in my tears.

Beeep ..... The Skype call ended while I sat in tears thinking about what happened. I kept thinking about everything what he said. I actually thought he wasn't a fuck boy and he loved me , wow I'm such a idiot.

*bang* The door is slammed open as Dean and Sam walk in the cold dark hotel room. I stayed still and as I curled up in the hotel bed. Holding bear my teddy bear Sam won for me in Sunny Town carnival. Pretty humorous I'm 16 and still have bear but he's my bestfriend.

"Where home little one, sorry we took so long we got dinner though". Dean said as he entered the bedroom in the hotelroom.

Slients filled the room , the little sobs could be heard but I tried to stay quite. Dean walked closer to the bed protectivly . The sound of his boots could be heard. Sam noticed that the laptop was open on Skype.

*Dean gets in bed and bear hugs me* "Shhhush princess whats wrong". Dean questioned worried looking at the tear stained face that was red.

I couldn't speak as I kept crying quietly I muttered" he left me , Harry left I thought he was different" Sam shows Dean the laptop screen with Harry's account. Sam reads his details out loud , "Harry j styles , 16, high school drop out, guitarst in the blue jays rock band" .

Dean stands up growling as I cuddle into Sam. Dean is extremely angry. "Why didn't you tell me you where talking to boys , you know boys will only break your heart and only want one thing. Didn't I tell you this , your not aloud to grow up "Dean ranted annoyed that my heart is broken.

I stay quite hiding into Sam's chest as he plays with my hair rocking me slightly. "Dean I'm sorry I disappointed you " I replied quietly.

"Sam look after our little girl I'm going out , princess it's not your fault I'm just disipointed that I let this happen, you don't need to know pain."

Dean stormed off leaving the small hotel room out into the winters night. I explained to Sam exactly what happened as he comforted me telling me that I'm nothing Harry said. Sam held me as I feel asleep crying into his chest with my arms around his waist , feeling safe in my brothers arms.

Sam wraps us both in a large thick black  woolly blanket to keep us warm. His hands contently playing with my hair as he wispers sweet nothings in my ears. Sam holds me tight as he falls asleep on the bed with me.

Quietly Dean comes in the hotel room smiling at me and Sam passed out asleep.

Dean pov
"I broke his arm in 3 places and punched the shit out of that punk wanna be teenager. I hate seeing my little sister in pain, she should never grow up. I'm the protective one as Sam is the chilled kind of brother"

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