"Dont comfort her Jensen"

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Curled up on the sofa with a sleeping pregnant Amber resting against me with her head on my lap. I carefully place the fluffy supernatural blanket over a sleeping Amber. I look down at her and smile as her head is on a pillow on my lap. I gently play with her galexy coloured hair as I scroll threw Facebook on my iPad.

Amber sighs contently and cuddles into me more , a smile as I protect her and continue to braid her long hair. A snore escapes the sleeping beauties lips as she's fast asleep in dream land.

"I know your fast asleep Ambi but I'm glad you are my best friend , I love you so much chummy" I say to the sleeping body. " I'm going to make sure you are ok as well as the little twins , I'll be the best auntie. I'll buy them the annoying toys you and Jensen don't want them to have and I'll buy them all the candy they want" I smile as I talk about everything knowing that she's not listening. "It will be like the old days when we where kids when we used to talk about having a family and me keeping you all safe, no one's going to hurt you " I explained to Amber.

Jared and Jensen walk in as I finish speaking. I smile and carry Amber to bed as she's only a small midget. I walk downstairs and ask to speak to Jensen as Jared is making cups of tea.

"Jensen I know that you love ambi , I can tell and I know you live the twins but promise me you'll look after them " I said nearly crying.

"Aw mearbear you know I'll look after them and I love them . Please don't cry". Jensen pleaded hugging me tight.

"I just ..... When we where kids we never had the best up bringing and no one looked out for us. We only had each other. I just want her to have everything she wants ok". I explained with a tear dripping down my face.

Jensen understood how protective I was , even though I can seem really punk and aggressive I'm a massive softy.

Jared walks up to me dramaticly after putting the cups of tea down. "Dont comfort her Jensen she's mine". Jared growled playfully holding me close.

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