Chapter 28

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Charlotte's Point of View

We split a funnel cake for dinner and daddy gets powdered sugar all over his face!
I try and be cute when he mentions the mess.
"I guess I'll have to kiss the sugar off of you" I think my blushing and my shaky voice made it much less sexy. I brace two hands on shoulders and stand on tiptoes to give him a quick kiss on the chin.
"You're not getting off that easy sweety"
He brings my face in for a brush on the lips. I pull back and whisper
"Daddy, what about all these people"
"Nobody's watching us kitten. People are all wrapped up in their own lives"
And he kisses me soundly on the lips, one big calloused man paw on my bum.

I drag daddy on lots more rides, even the scary roller coaster. I try and pick rides where I can press close into him when we go fast. I think he notices that and he seems to like pressing into me too.
By 8 o clock the sun has gone down, and I should probably start heading home before my parents suspect something.
But I don't want to!
"Daddy please just one more ride!"
"Pumpkin, you said that three rides ago. It's time to go home"
I have a strategy that will make sure we stay here for at least another hour!
As we walk I inch a hand up the back of James's shirt.
"I understand that we can't go on another ride"
"Good baby"
We keep walking. I start tracing swirling designs all up and down his back with my fingers. I lean into him, use my cutest voice and say "Daddy there's something I want soooo bad. It would make me sooo happy if daddy could get it for me"
"What is it princess?"
"That ducky" I point out a cute round duck hanging next to a carnival shooting game.
"I'd love to get that for you sugar. Let's go"
Yes!! Those games are so rigged. We'll have to stay another hour at least before daddy wins! Yay for more time at the fair.
He wraps an arm firmly around my waist and we walk to the game.
The carny has a mouth full of shiny silver teeth and he barks about his stand to passers by.
He scares me. Daddy strides right up to him.
"How much for this duck?" Daddy doesn't seem to understand the game.
The carny turns his good eye to us.
"You have to pop 10 balloons in 15 seconds"
That's impossible! We'll be here all night!
"I have 20 bucks"
Daddy hands over a crisp bill, pulls down the duck, and I gape.
He plops it in my arms, tucks me into his side and firmly directs me towards the parking lot. I pout in secret and squeeze my ducky.

James's Point of View

I knew exactly what Charlotte was up to with that little game but even that light, tingling touch on my back made me unbearably hard, and she looks so cute pouting with her basketball sized stuffie wrapped tight in her arms.
I open her car door and click her into her seat.

I hate to put it in sexual terms but that's the only way I can describe it. The sight of her cuddled in the back seat with her duck, her skirt riding up over thick thighs, her stuffie pressed into her generous chest, with a glimpse of cleavage visible over his fuzzy yellow head.... Mmmmm... it's something I would beat to again and again if I saw it as I scrolled tumblr.

"Baby, we're heading into some traffic, can you text your parents and say you'll be a bit late?"
"Uh huh"
"I'm sorry honey, this is gonna be a longer drive home. Do you want to sleep on the way?"
"Nuh uh daddy I can't waste time with you! I'm not sleepy." She yawns. "Ok maybe I am"
I pull over the car and get out
"Right here baby"
I pop my trunk and pull out the blanky I bought my princess. I went on a special trip to Bed Bath and Beyond this morning and picked up a few essentials, such as this twin sized, fuzzy pink blanket with Rapunzel, Cinderella, and Aurora on it.
"I love it!" Her whole face lights up.I lay it down over my princess and give her a big kiss on the forehead.
Then I get back in my seat. Before I get on the road I snap a quick photo of her, using ducky as a pillow against the hard glass of her window, her legs tucked under her bum, snuggled in her blanky. Even covered neck to toe, I love the view of my baby in my back seat. The way it should be. I love it and I think I love her.
I drive home carefully, I've got precious cargo.

Do you guys mind James's more sexual point of view?

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