Chapter 20

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Charlotte's Point of View

I'm still feeling grumpy about having to leave James's warm snuggly chest. I throw myself on the couch, stare up at the ceiling, and let my imagination seduce me. In my mind his fingers touch me everywhere and he's here and there is no work or parents to get in the way.
Then I pull out my clipboard and turn the page.
There's an envelope attached to the bottom, but I read the note at the top first.


Honey bun, do you go ever go to the corner store? The one with the striped awning?
I know that one! When I was younger I used to dig coins out of the couch cushions until I had a dollar to buy one of the big soft cookies there.
Well, in the back of the store, straight down the candy aisle there is a bear.
I know which one he's talking about! There's a brown stuffed bear with a little tweed vest that's been collecting dust for at least a year there. He's a very cute bear but people don't usually go toy shopping at the kind of grubby corner store.
Honey, this bear desperately needs a good home. Do you think we could take care of him?
Enclosed below is 25 dollars. That should be enough for you to buy the bear and one sweet thing if you ate all of your lunch.

I rip open the envelope, stuff the money in my pocket and march to the front door with rhythm and sense of purpose.
I pause in the front doorway and just look around my street.
It's so odd to be here, standing in the house where I slept in a strange mans bed and be in the neighborhood of my childhood at the same time.
I know it seems well, wrong to say that buying a stuffed bear is a sexy grown up activity, but in this context it is. The simple task, the directions from daddy, they make me feel safe and cozy. That safe feeling just makes me wanna pounce on him and beg him to have his wicked way with me!
Yes, this is a very sexy mission.
I march down the street, straight to the faded blue and white awning and the cloudy plastic door with the little bell that chimes as I step in.
I feel a thrill run down my spine. Yeah, I know, I'm easy to thrill.
I tiptoe down the candy aisle and find that beautiful bear. I grab his paw in my hand. He's so soft! And his little vest is even cuter than I remembered.
I'm about to take the bear and go when I notice the display to my left and my heart starts thumping wildly in my chest.
There's package after package of condoms with features I don't understand(fire and ice condoms? Ouchie) and then some clear lubes, and then a bright pink bottle of strawberry flavored lube! I like strawberries and...
I wanna shock daddy.
I scan what I can of the store. Empty except for the cashier.
I'm trusting the socio economic barrier between my white suburban parents and the working class immigrant who runs this store to prevent tattling. It's sad that we've known this man for years and yet nobody from the neighborhood really talks to him, but it's convenient as hell(I mean heck, sorry daddy) today.
My hands shake as I my items on the little counter.
"Paper or plastic?"
"Uhh. Paper"
The cashier is either a true professional or completely apathetic to my budding sexuality because he bags my bear, chocolate, and lube like they're potatoes.
I walk back down to James's house feeling sneaky. I stow the lube in my purse and then my new bear and I snuggle and eat chocolate while we watch Law and Order. I can't help it, I'm a little with a taste for blood.
I'm just finishing an episode when daddy comes in.
"Daddy! Look!"
He swoops down onto his knees in front of the couch. He kisses me on the forehead, then pulls back and looks at my- our new bear.
"He's wonderful sweety! Can you take good care of him?" He sounds serious but he's smiling that lovely crooked ear to ear smile.
"I'll feed him every day"
He kisses the tip of my nose and just stares like he's drinking me in. I pull him out of his revery with a wet peck on that perfect, bent nose. We both giggle, foreheads together.
"Why does your nose stick to the right daddy?"
He gets quiet. Oh no. I've offended him. I can't believe that I ruined the mood so fast!

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