Chapter 31

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James's Point of View

Do you know that feeling that everything is so right that you have to make sure to capture every detail in your mind?
This is one of those moments.
My little girl could go to college out of state, or realize she could do better than this dirty old man, but right now, it's so damn perfect.
Today we went shopping. We bought the things that would anchor her to me, something I desperately want to do.
She now has a jug of Mr. bubble in my bathroom cabinet, a bottle of her favorite shampoo and conditioner in my shower, her face wash on my sink.
We got her a purple towel so she'll stop stealing mine, moved some of her clothes to a drawer in my room.
My favorite was buying her some underwear to keep in my dresser, but all dirty thoughts aside, I just love having my house taken over by my little. I would paint the whole damn thing purple if it meant she would live with me.
Right now, we're under a king sized fuzzy blanket on the floor of my living room. Charlotte is wrapped around me, perfectly naked, and every contact of our skin is smooth and warm.
She has a smudge of chocolate on her left cheek but I think it's so cute I haven't told her yet.
It's early in the evening and I'm wide awake, but acting sleepy is a good excuse to pull my baby close.
"Daddy?" Damn do I love hearing her call me that.
"Yes baby?"
"Daddy I'm feeling..."
I know that this means horny. I start pulling away so I can scooch down the bed an wring an orgasm out of her little body with my tongue when she stops me.
"I want you to make love to me"
I knew it was coming. All the breath whooshes out of my lungs and every drop of blood enters my dick.
She stammers on "I'm nervous cause, you know, it's uh, virginity and it seems like that should be a big deal but I'm horny" she's blushing.
I'm trying to figure out how to calm her down without sounding like an opportunistic douche.
I run one hand over her knee and squeeze her close with my other.
"The truth is baby, you won't be a different person afterwards. And it's not some big event. It's important because it's the beginning of... It's the beginning of a journey"
She snorts.
"You sound like Oprah or a self help book"
"Oh hush little girl. Anyways there's all this pressure for the first time to be perfect. It doesn't have to be. We'll get lots of chances to practice and we'll achieve perfection on our timetable"
She looks nervous. I smile at her and with all the love in my heart and a little bit in my penis, (but just a little) I say..
"But let's make it a big event baby. Are you free tomorrow night?"
"What. Wait why?"
"Cause we're having a big damn perfect event. My little girl deserves it."
She cracks open a wide smile and kisses the tip of my nose like the adorable kitten she is.

We do unholy things to each other with our mouths and hands. I tuck us back in, smile into the side of her soft, floral scented neck and wonder how I'm going to get reservations on such short notice.

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