Chapter 33

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Charlotte's Point of View

Daddy opens the door, practically pulls me in, and gives me a firm kiss on the forehead.
"What are we..?"
He interrupts "just trust me baby"
He runs into the kitchen and comes back with a camelbak backpack and a goofy grin.
"Come on!"
His enthusiasm is contagious, I let him trap both my hands in his one huge one and I giggle as he pulls me out to the car.
He opens and closes my door for me as always. What a gentleman.
He chuckles as we drive.
"You don't even know. I can't wait to see the look on your face!"
"Daddy this is sounding kind of menacing. Am I being pranked?"
"No! No baby" he squeezes my thigh sincerely "it's like a good prank. A grank if you will"
"I will not. That word is horrible" but I laugh anyway.

He drives us out until the houses are further and further apart. I recognize the direction, there's a large park and wildlife preserve about a half hour out of town.
We turn on the dirt road entrance and roll the car up to the ticket booth.
What are we doing out here? Should I tell the ranger I'm being abducted?
Daddy pays the entrance fee in cash, then squeezes my leg once more.
"Trust me muffin"
It is beautiful out.
He pulls one muscled arm around my shoulders as we walk toward the mountain path.
I've walked here before, it's the most popular trail.
It's wide and even and I start to relax into his side as we walk.
We pass the occasional hikers, they smile at us, the cute young couple.
He rubs my arm up and down with a strong hand and tells me the Latin names of all the cool plants and animals we see.
The words roll fluidly off his tongue and it's clear how much he cares.
"See all the different types of finches baby? Called fringillidae. That yellow one is an american goldfinch"
"It's so pretty!"
I test him, pointing at trees and butterflies and even blackberry bushes.
His nose crinkles up
"Rubus aboriginum. They're invasive"
"But tasty!"
"Yes cutie, they are" he drops a kiss on my forehead.
"How do you know all of this daddy?"
"I minored in zoology"
"Oh" I need to learn more about him. There are times when I think we are completely in sync, and times where I feel like I don't know him at all.

But I have time to learn more. There's no rush. He squeezes me tightly. The air smells like the last wildflowers of the season and the sun sneaks slowly closer to the horizon. I'm happy.

"This is our turn baby"
I don't see a trail. It looks like a tough hike on either side of our nice wide path.
He sweeps me up into his arms before I can say another word. 
I squeak and kick my hiking boots up and down.
"You're afraid of heights, right?"
"Then close your eyes"
I comply, squeezing his bicep for dear life.

When he sets me down, we're on a trail again. It's not as wide as before, but clearly worn down.
"Where are we"
"It's a secret baby. Just a few people know this path"

I squeeze his big warm hand with two of mine, and follow him. The trail winds slightly up, through the trees. It widens, then stops all together.
Next to a creek running into a clear swimming hole, is a giant weeping willow, and under it is a big gingham picnic blanket, a cooler, and a giant wicker basket.
"Daddy!" I jump up and squeeze him around the neck. I kiss all over his scruffy face and neck. "It's perfect!"
"Not too sappy?"
"No! Perfect"

Daddy's Perfect MatchWhere stories live. Discover now