The Best Birthday

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Here you go ArnaldaGomez I hope this was what you wanted....


Your POV

I sighed as I was woken up by my alarm. I slammed my hand onto the top of it to stop the terrible ear peircing noise. I sat up rubbing my eyes and looked at the clock. Today is my birthday. My 22nd one to be exact. I removed the covers from my legs and swung them over the side standing and getting off my bed and heading to the bathroom to stary my all to familiar routine for the day before I had to start work at the DWMA.

I normally work along side Stein. But Lord Death decided to get me my own room and let me teach that. I was saddened by it at first because I had managed to grow feelings for the maddned professor. But it wasn't only him. It was also his ex weapon and Lord Death's death scythe. Spirit Albarn. He is the father of one of the best meisters in the entire DWMA. But it isn't just thost two that I have feelings for. There is another that I have them for as well. He's the newest recruited teacher besides me. Mifune the Samuri. He used to protect the witch Angela. But I heard that Tsubaki BlackStar's weapon that she talked him into being a teacher at the DWMA.

I guess Lord Death saw the good in him and let him join. Maybe it was to see if he could use Lady Angela for help when we go into war. Even though The Kishin, Lady Arachne and her sister Medusa are all dead. But there are always more witches to have to defeat to keep Death City and all the world safe. But alas, my feelings are only and can only be feelings and nothing more. I sighed as I looked at the dress i was wearing for the day. It was a white dress with (f/c) lace that went around the top and middle and hand off the hem of the dress its self and flew in the breeze. I wore this with a matching pair of wedges.

Looking myself over i grabbed my bag and walked out of my house and to the DWMA. I walked into the doors and was getting looks from most of the boys. I smiled and bid them good morning before heading off to the Death Room for today's lesson. I walked along the familiar path with the red archways and to the stage where Lord Death, Spirit,Stein and Mifune stood waiting.

I walked up to them and gave them my best smile. "Good morning." I said. They turned and I watched their mouths fall open. I smirked at them and looked at them all. "Is something the matter?" I asked. Stein was the first to shake his head and snap out of it. "You look lovely today, (y/n)." he said. I smiled a descret blush covering my cheeks. He smirked and looked at Lord Death. I looked at Mifune. He was looking at me like a child would look at candy. I moved my gaze to Spirit. He looked at me with heart eyes.

I rolled my eyes and looked at lord Death. He bowed a little and I smiled. "Hiya. Today of course is (y/n)'s birthday and we will treat her with respect..I want you all to come to the DWMA later today so we can throw a party." he said. I blushed but nodded. He dismissed us and we filed out of the Death Room. Mifune walked off to his classroom still catching looks at me. I turned to Stein when we stopped at his room. He looked in before looking to me. "Have a pleasant birthday dear." he said. He smirked at me and stepped into his room rolling on his chair and starting his class. Did he call me dear? I turned to leave thinking nothing of it. Normally my heart and stomach would be doing flips and my head would be dizzy but not today.

-At The Party-

Justin Law came into my class after every student had left. "(y/n) YOU ARE NEEDED TO STAY IN HERE SO PREPERATIONS FOR YOUR PARTY CAN BE MADE!" he said. I nodded and smiled. He left and I sat down. I grabbed a cigarette that I had in my drawer. I leaned back on my chair with my legs crossed and puffed on it. I let the smoke leave my lips and make a Death Mask. I smirked looking at it. I heard the door open and I turned to see Stein. "I didn't know you smoke." he said walking in.

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