"Can I?"

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Thank you again! @souleaterlover482482 for another amazing idea! 

Your POV

I walked into the DWMA for my usual morning shift as teacher for the EAT class. There were few students here as other teachers walked the halls, printing lessons for the day. I recognized a few as I walked by with my Death Cafe coffee in my hand and my bag in another. I was another biology teacher next to Stein. Stein and I had our differences, one being that some students prefer me over him. They always have the same reason in their request for moving into my class. He's creepy.

It always makes me laugh a little. Sure he's a little odd, and his mannerisms can be a little, strange, but I've known Stein and Spirit for a long time, we went to school here together. Trust me he was a lot creepier in school. I sat at my desk quietly as the automated lights flicked on. When I was younger I thought of myself to be a death scythe when I thought about my future. That changed when I had an accident with my meister. 

We had fought early that morning over the pettiest thing. When it came down to battle, our souls were so far out of sync that we were unable to use witch hunter. As a result of that my meister ended up getting hurt pretty bad, and so did I.  We were rushed into surgery, I made it out but was unable to turn into a weapon from my injuries. My meister, however, died on the table. 

I sigh shakily as I hear the door open. Turning my head my (e/c) eyes meet with whoever is walking through my door at this hour. Right on time, it was Maka Albarn. One of my few star pupils. 

"Good morning Miss (l/n)." she says with a small smile. 

I lean on the table and smile. "Good morning, Maka. Punctual as always, I see." 

She smiles wide and nods. "Do you need any help with grading or getting lessons printed?" she asks as she tilts her head. 

I smile. "There's a stack of homework that needs grading, the key for it is on my desk. I have some worksheets to collect and then I'll be in the Death Room if you need me, all right?" I ask. 

She nods as she gets a red pen and sits down. I glance at her before I walk off to the teacher's lounge. I check the clock on the wall as I walk down to get my papers, 7:15. I have an hour and fifteen minutes before school starts. Should be enough time. After I grab the freshly printed, warm papers from the giant copier, I make my way to the Death Room. My shoes click on the tile floors as I walk through the hall. I see Stein step out of the Crescent Moon Classroom and I stop for a moment. 

"Good morning, Stein." I say. 

He raises a brow as he looks at me and hums. "Good morning, (f/n). Are you heading to the Death Room as well?" 

I nod and we start walking down to the Death Room. It was quiet until I spoke up. 

"Maka is doing well in your class as well I presume?" 

He looks at me and smiles gently. "She always is, very quick learner that one. I believe she gets it from her mother," he says. 

I nod and look down. "I should have known." I smiled. 

We got to the Death Room and he opened the door first letting me through. I thanked him and he gave a nod as we walked down the path to the platform. I saw Lord Death and Spirit as they turned to look at us. 

Stein waved as I smiled. "Good morning, Lord Death, Spirit." I say. 

They bid their good morning's back as I look at them. "(f/n), Stein. I need you two to prepare the best students in means to be able to fight in the battle against Baba Yaga Castle." Lord Death said. I nodded as he finished and dismissed us. We left the Death Room and Stein kept walking as I was stopped by Spirit. 

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