Chapter 7: Awkward Much?

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Happy New Year everyone! =D Hope you all have a good one, and don't party too hard! ;)


"If I had you, that would be the only thing I'd ever need." –If I Had You, Adam Lambert

Tap, tap. Tap, tap.

Audrey awoke to a noise she hadn't expected yet. Her owl was perched on the window sill, tapping repetitively against the glass, wanting to be let in. Audrey climbed groggily out of bed, and opened the window, allowing Ginger in. Audrey saw she had letters from five of her friends: Krystie (obviously), Nikkie, Alex, Ally, and Tyler.

After removing all the letters from her owl, Audrey plopped down on Draco's bed, and read them all. Not much was different between them. All asked how she was, when she was coming back, but each had their own distinct style. Krystie was still naturally tripping out, Alex's was littered with innuendoes, Nikkie's was normal, Ally's was completely random, and Tyler's expressed her concern for why she wasn't invited.

Audrey wrote a generic reply to each, saying she was alright, she had found him, and would be home soon. How soon, she never specified. Audrey also left out how she had fallen for him, and all the Death Eaters surrounding her. Her friends didn't need to know all that. Audrey gave all the letters to Ginger and let her back outside. Once she was out of sight, Audrey brought her attention to Draco.

Audrey looked down at the couch where he would've been sleeping, except the couch was empty. Draco was not there; only his blanket and pillow remained. Audrey noticed he had taken her note with him, and left on in its place. The girl walked over to it, and picked up the minuscule letter, reading it carefully.


I got your note. I appreciate that you gave me something other than material items. It was a refreshing change. We'll talk more about it later though. In the meantime, breakfast will be done shortly. I'll be downstairs if you need me for anything.


Audrey put the note in her bag and got dressed before heading down to what she hoped was breakfast. Audrey entered the dining room to see Draco with his back to her and his parents sitting across from him. No one noticed she was there, as they were locked into an intense conversation. Audrey stood in the doorway, listening intently to the discussion. No one had noticed she was there.

"Now Draco, you must remember," Lucius stated, "your mother and I were 'just friends' once too."

"I don't want to know your sex lives," Draco almost hissed. "That's absolutely disturbing to me."

"Whoa, no one said anything about that," Lucius caught.

"Well, obviously your 'just friends' turned into making babies," Draco implied. "So obviously you did it."

"What are you trying to say, Draco?" Narcissa questioned.

"Are you sexually active?!" Lucius demanded answers from his son.

"No, I'm not," Draco defended himself. "I'm just saying it's wrong for you to assume Audrey and I are anything like you. We're just friends, and if something more comes out of it, great."

"So you do want to be more than friends?" Narcissa asked.

Draco didn't say anything for several moments. "I'm not saying that for sure. Do I think there could be something? Most definitely, but I won't know until I talk to her."

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