Chapter 12: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

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Well, once again I was told I needed to upload, and since I am a bit ahead in this story, I figured it was okay. =) This one gets a little.. catty if you will. =P

"Here's a little advice for you: find your own man." –Don't Mess With My Man, Nivea

Audrey sat in the library with Tyler and Krystie. All three of them were working on various homework assignments; all of the teachers had decided to pile on the work that weekend. With only weeks before finals, Audrey was starting to feel the stress. Projects, tests, and assignments were all due on the same day. It was like the professors had thought they were their only class. Audrey needed to relax a bit. Hanging out with her friends was a nice break, even if homework was involved.

"So, Audrey, what's Draco planning for your eight month anniversary?" Tyler asked. "Something... romantic? He's pretty good with that kind of stuff."

Audrey dipped her quill in ink, blushing slightly. "I don't know. He doesn't tell me things like that. He likes to surprise me."

"I must admit, Aud," Krystie stated. "It's been a while since I've seen you so happy." She laughed slightly. "I mean... I was a bit skeptical at first, but now I'm not. He treats you really... well, like a princess."

Audrey smiled. "I'm glad you guys approve of him. It means a lot to me. I just wish everyone would warm up to the idea..."

"Everyone else needs to get over themselves," Tyler spat. "They're just jealous of you guys. Hell... I know I would be if I was dating some low-life trash and my best friend was dating someone as awesome and hot as Draco effing Malfoy!"

"Um... Ty, you're not dating anyone," Audrey clarified. "And your best friend is dating him."

"You know what I mean!" Tyler laughed. "I am jealous, but not in a bad way. Everyone in their right mind is jealous of you." She paused for a second. "Anyone who is so blinded by jealousy that they hate him is retarded. As your friend, they should be happy he treats you with respect. Just because they aren't happy with their relationship doesn't mean they should wish that upon you."

Krystie shook her head. "People are so daft! Why can't they be happy for you? I have never seen you so happy, so ecstatic to be with someone. And we've been friends for what fifteen years now?"

Audrey shuffled her parchment papers together, straightening them out. "They want me to be an emotional wreck like they are. I just got happy! Before Draco I... I was miserable, but he gives my life purpose. Know what I mean?"

"In a way, yea," Krystie answered, fixing her reading glasses as she continued to write her essay for Care of Magical Creatures on unicorns. "I mean... a guy never exactly gave my life purpose, but I kinda see what you're getting at. Like a reason to get up every day?"

"The reason you smile on a rainy day?" Tyler added.

Audrey sighed dreamily. "Yea, and call me crazy... but I hope it stays that way for a long time."

"No offense Aud, but you don't strike me as the long-term relationship kinda girl," Tyler said. "All your past relationships have been kinda short lived. Except that one-"

"-we don't talk about him!" Audrey cut off. "He's past news, and he's never coming back, thank God. I have Draco now, and he's immensely better. That's all that matters."

Audrey heard someone clear their throat. She glanced up from her work to see two other Slytherin girls standing in front of her. Audrey immediately recognized them as Pansy Parkinson and Millicent Bulstrode. Neither one of them were smiling, so Audrey knew whatever they had come over here for was not good. Audrey was honestly miffed as to why they were there in the first place.

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