Chapter 8: A New Assignment

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Mmkay, so I promised a new chapter in Devil's Snare, and I'm working on it, I promise. But for now I decided to post the next chapter to this. From here on, it starts getting more into the plot line, if you will. Hope you enjoy it! =)

Oh! And I dedicated this chapter to my new found friend missymaris cause she rocks! =D


"Get ready to settle the score." –War, Sick Puppies

The sun crept out from behind the curtains and onto Audrey's face. The girl's eyes immediately opened. She wasn't used to sleeping by a window yet. Audrey turned away from the bay window and was immediately greeted by a sleeping Draco. Audrey hadn't even noticed his arm still draped over her, holding her close. Audrey snuggled up to him, trying not to wake him up. She could feel his gentle breathing, and it was relaxing to her.

A few weeks had passed since early September, and fall had set in. The feeling of autumn had covered the countryside. Things had been quiet throughout the manor. Audrey was, however, anticipating that tonight would be different; the Death Eaters would be having a meeting, and things were bound to get hairy.

Audrey laid there in comfortable silence for a while before nudging Draco to wake him up. After only a few moments, the boy's gray eyes fluttered open. His gaze met Audrey's and he smiled slightly. "Well good morning beautiful," he greeted. "Did you sleep well?"

Audrey nodded. "Of course I did."

"Good," Draco replied. He sat up and stretched briefly, yawning in the process. "Today's going to be a long day."

And it was. Audrey and Draco spent most of the day lounging around, doing nothing in particular. After dinner is when the night began to get interesting. Audrey grew anxious as the meeting grew near. She wasn't sure what to expect. She had never seen a meeting of the Death Eaters, and she wondered how they conducted business.

As seven o'clock rolled up, Draco and Audrey took their seats at the large dining room table. When the other Death Eaters started to come in, Audrey's nerves began acting up. She began to tremble a little and was antsy. Draco placed his hand on hers when he noticed it. There was no denying it- Audrey was definitely nervous. Once Lord Voldemort took his seat at the head of the table, the meeting began.

"Good evening," he greeted. He saw Audrey sitting next to Draco and added, "I see you're joining us this time."

"Just observing," Audrey muttered, not trusting herself to speak.

Voldemort merely nodded. "Very well. Anyways, glad to see you all could make it." He paused and looked to Snape. "Any word on Potter's whereabouts?"

"We have heard rumors of him lingering around Godric's Hollow," Snape mused. "Still no word on whether or not he will return to Hogwarts."

"He will have to," Voldemort said blatantly. "Two Horcruxes are there. To defeat me, he'll have to destroy them."

The Death Eaters all burst into laughter except for Draco. "He'll have to find them first!" one called out.

Voldemort hardly cracked a smile, albeit a creepy one. "Very true," he mused. "Regardless, he won't be an issue for much longer." Audrey found this to be quite humorous, and chuckled lightly to herself mainly. But then she noticed a questioning look from Lord Voldemort. "Would you like to add something?" he asked.

"No, she wouldn't," Draco stated quietly.

"Actually... I would," Audrey contradicted.

Voldemort raised an eyebrow. "Then say it."

"You tried to kill Harry Potter when he was a year old, correct?" Audrey asked. When Voldemort nodded, Audrey continued. "That was sixteen years ago. You could've killed him at any point between then and now. You need to try harder if you want him dead. Just saying..."

Voldemort looked heated. Audrey didn't know what she did for a few moments, but then it hit her. She had insulted his methods. You didn't question the Dark Lord. She had only been there for a few minutes and her life was already in question.

"Who do you think you are?" Bellatrix stood. "Questioning his methods like that?!" Audrey saw she had pulled out her wand and had it aimed at her.

Draco immediately stood, standing defensively in front of Audrey, wand also at the ready. "She didn't mean to. She doesn't know any better."

Bellatrix went to say something but Voldemort stopped her. "No, she has the right to express her opinion," he chided. "I can take constructive criticism."

"She's not even one of us!" Bellatrix hissed.

"Expelliarmus!" Draco cast at Bellatrix, knocking her wand from her hand. "She's with me, therefore, with us," he growled. "If you ever threaten her again, so help me I will kill you personally."

Bellatrix turned to Voldemort, expecting him to reprimand Draco for his behavior. "Why won't you say something?" she asked. "He's being completely obnoxious!"

"And so are you," Voldemort stated matter-of-factly. "He's doing his job, protecting what's his." He paused for a moment. "And as far as I'm concerned, she is one of us. So, Bellatrix, please take your seat and shut up."

Audrey didn't say anything as Draco sat back next to her, defensively placing his arm on the back of her chair. Bellatrix soon joined them at the table as well. Once everything calmed, Voldemort decided to continue speaking.

"I actually have something for you two to do," he said, looking to Audrey and Draco. Draco merely raised an eyebrow, allowing him to continue. "I need you two to go back to Hogwarts as spies. Although Snape is there, he cannot maintain watch on the whole school."

Draco looked to Audrey, and then back to Voldemort. "Spies for what?"

"We all know Harry needs to go back to Hogwarts," Voldemort went on. "We need more eyes and ears there, ones that can blend in with the student body. You two are students, and would not look out of place in the school."

Audrey gave Draco a nervous glance, wondering if he was going to accept the task or not. He placed his hand on top of hers. "We'll do it," he decided.

Voldemort grinned evilly. "Excellent."

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