Chapter 17: The End is Near

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So... I meant to finish this last night, but I never got the time to. Had a lot of stuff to do, but I figured while I had some time, I should post this. =) I think there are... maybe 3 more chapters in this story. Maybe 4 if I reallyyyyy push it. lol Anyways, I hope you like it! =D

And, by the way, I decided to dedicate this to my good friend DarraghInTheTopHat, since I just now noticed I had never actually dedicated something to him. He has been awesome, and I don't know how I missed him! He's an amazing writer, and you all should check out his stuff. =)


"I'm going to kick you in the face... I might do it twenty-seven times just in case..." –In Which I Kick Harry Potter in the Face, Draco and the Malfoys

Audrey wasn't sure what exactly had spurred this random change of heart in Draco. The whole time she thought he was on Voldemort's side, that he wanted Harry dead. Not that she necessarily minded this new him, she surely hadn't anticipated it. She followed him through the crowds of students and Death Eaters, ready to do whatever she could to help the cause, whatever that happened to be.

Her eyes scanned the scene before her, watching the devastation unfold around her. Audrey just couldn't believe it. She had never fathomed a battle like this. Duels were starting everywhere! The devastation killed her inside. Audrey hated watching people suffer, even if she knew they deserved it.

Once again, Draco got ahead of her. It didn't take much; he was much taller, had longer legs and could take much larger strides than she could. Within in moments he was several feet away from her; Audrey struggled to get caught back up with her boyfriend, who was preoccupied with fighting off whatever stray spells flew towards him. Audrey, too, was trying to protect herself from errant curses, and that was slowing her progress completely. She found herself jogging trying to keep up. She surely didn't felt safe by herself.

Next thing she knew, Audrey was crashing onto the ground. She had let her guard down and got herself struck by a spell. The girl quickly sat up, knowing very well her life was now officially at risk. The first thing she saw was a man staring down menacingly at her. He was one of the Death Eaters who was at the house the day she arrived at Draco's, only she couldn't remember his name for the life of her.

"Well hello lovely," he hissed, sending chills down her spine. He had a crooked smile on his face, and Audrey knew he was certainly not there to help her up.

Her mind did the first thing that it came up with: scream for Draco. "Draco! Help!"

The man snickered. "Do you honestly think he can hear you right now with everything going on?" When Audrey said nothing to this, he continued. "Pathetic, really. No matter. I'll deal with him after I'm finished with you."

He took a step towards her, and Audrey panicked as she reached for her wand that lay a few feet away from her. He was right; Draco hadn't heard her cry for help, and she was going to have to try to duel this idiot on her own. Audrey watched the man's shadow hover over her as she managed to snatch her wand up from the ground. He raised his wand, aiming it directly at Audrey. She braced herself for the worst.

"Avada-" he began but was cut off by his wand being knocked completely from his hand by a spell from behind him. He turned to see his adversary standing before him. Audrey peered around the man to spot Draco standing there with possibly the angriest face she had ever seen on his face.

"Yaxley," he hissed. "I thought I made it clear to all of you at that meeting. She's off limits."

Yaxley laughed evilly, obviously not threatened by Draco. "And what are you going to do if I don't?" Audrey took advantage of the standoff in front of her to grab Yaxley's wand. She stood up, aiming his wand at him, stowing hers in her pocket.

Draco smirked. "I think you're outnumbered. Give up now, and we'll be merciful."

The Death Eater was momentarily confused. Outnumbered? He glanced over his shoulder to see his own wand pointed right back at him. "You think I need a wand to perform magic? My skills are far beyond that."

"I suppose you won't consider a peaceful surrender?" Draco raised an eyebrow. Yaxley took a step towards him; Draco was not going to risk it, and immediately cast, "Duro!"

Within in moments of the spell hitting Yaxley, he had turned into solid rock, frozen in his tracks. Audrey and Draco exchanged glances for a moment before Draco decided he had to finish the task at hand. "Reducto," he said, and just as quickly as he had been turned to stone, Yaxley had burst into pieces.

The couple stared at the pile of gravel their adversary had been turned into for a second before Draco stepped over it and pulled Audrey into his arms. They stood in complete silence for a moment, before Draco pulled away from her. He glanced to the sky before looking back at her.

"Please be more careful," he sighed. "That could've gone really badly."

Audrey frowned slightly. "I know..."

With that, he headed back towards the courtyard. Audrey decided to follow once again, this time making sure to stick a little closer to him. When they arrived, it was all too obvious that a battle of epic proportions was starting. Harry stood at one end, and Voldemort stood at the other. Green and red spells collided, sending sparks every which way. Draco and Audrey stood at the top of the steps, watching from a distance like everyone else did.

Seconds passed like minutes as Harry and Voldemort continued their duel. Audrey buried her face in Draco's shoulder, not wanting to watch it anymore. Draco, however, kept his eyes on his enemies, wondering which one of them would come out on top. Harry's spell had begun to take charge after a few minutes, causing Voldemort's to diminish back into his wand. As the spells disappeared, Voldemort looked at his wand, as if questioning what happened. Before anyone could say anything, Voldemort began turning to ash, floating away into the sky.

A roaring cheer erupted once again, signaling the long awaited end. Audrey looked up as Draco hugged her ever closer. She looked around, taking in what happened. It was over; after all this time it was over. Voldemort was dead! Everyone could relax now, and get back to life as normal.

Draco kissed the top of her head before he led her down to where all the students and faculty were gathering. No one had to say anything; it was all too obvious that they were glad Voldemort had been defeated once and for all. Audrey had managed to spot all her friends, all smiling through tears. She knew she wouldn't be able to talk to them until later on; she was just hoping none of them were too mad at her for what happened...

Before Audrey could get too lost in her own thoughts, Professor McGonagall stepped forward, looking out at all the students. She took a deep breath before speaking. "I want all of you to gather in the Great Hall. Madame Pomfrey will assist you the best she can when it comes to injuries as we try to figure out an appropriate course of action with the remainder of the year. When we have come to a conclusion, we shall let you all know."

With that, she turned back towards the school, the student body following loyally behind her. Audrey looked up at Draco, who was already looking at her. With a shrug, the two of them followed the group. Audrey was ready for it all to be over already...

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