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She drives as far as she can away from the absolute Hell she endured and from the bastard who made her a monster.

She finds herself in a forest. She parked her car and walked through the vast forest. There were large, tall trees, an abanded cabin and a lake in this forest. She walks toward the glistening lake, then, she hears a high-pitched scream and growling. Her vampire senses located where this screech was.

She speeds to where her senses brought here and sees a small child surrounded by wolves. There were scratches all over the poor girl's face.

She speeds to the child and picks the child off the ground, "I got you, darling. I got you."

The wolves began to get closer, their growls getting louder.

Cassandra puts the small girl on her back and told her to hold on tight. She looks at the wolves and lets her fangs show, "You have no idea who you're dealing with." She lifts one finger and the wolves began to rise.

The wolves' legs began to move frantically as Cassandra lifted them higher in the air. She let the wolves down and held them before they all ran, " The name's Cassandra Salvatore and let this name send a shiver down your spine. If you ever mess with this poor little girl again, you'll have to deal with me." 

The wolves disappear into the forest and Cassandra put the little girl on the ground, "What's your name, sweetheart?" She crouched down to the little girl's height.

"Hope." The little girl murmured.

"What a pretty name," Cassandra smiles, "Well, I'm Cassandra, well, you can call me Cassie." Cassie puts out her hand and Hope shakes her hand. "Now, Hope, why are you in this forest all by yourself?"

"I wanted to skip rocks." Hope looked down at her feet and shifted her feet around in the dirt.

"Now, darling, you have to be careful and make sure there's someone like me to protect you."

"Ok." Hope smiles, "If you don't have to be anywhere, Cassie, can you bring me back to my parents please?

"Of course, darling. C'mon let's bring you back home." Hope holds onto Cassie's hand and the two walk to Cassie's car. Before starting the car, Cassie bandaged up Hope's small wounds and then, they headed to Hope's home.

"If you don't mind, Hope, can you tell me what city we're in?"

"The outside of New Orleans. My mom hasn't told the specific city but we're just at the border of New Orleans." Hope says while staring at the window, "Oh, here it is, Cassie."

She points at a white two-story house with hedges surrounding it.

"Welcome to my home, Cassie." Hope smiles.

Hope rings the doorbell and the door swings open.

"Hope," A beautiful man with baby blue eyes and soft brown curly hair with a scruffy beard appears at the front door, "Love, I've been so worried." The man Cassie assumed was her father hugged Hope. His british accent swooned Cassie and distracted her.

"Dad, I'm just fine. I got a few scratches. Here, meet Cassandra. She saved me, Dad." Hope smiles and brings her father over to Cassie.

"Hello," Cassie smiles, "I'm Cassandra Salvatore."

"The pleasure is mine, love. I'm Niklaus Mikaelson or Klaus for short," Klaus kisses Cassie's hand, "Well, thank you for finding Hope." A blush creeps up on Cassie's face. 

"It's nothing really. Just trying to find my brothers and I found myself in the forest."

"Your brothers? Damon and Stefan?" Klaus's eyebrows rise in confusion.

"Wait. You know my brothers? Do you know where they are?"

"Now, wait, love. You don't know where your brothers are?" Klaus asked the so-called Salvatore sister.

"It's a long story. Now, if you can, will you bring me to my brothers?"

"Take this as a thank you and it gives you time to you can explain youself." Klaus smirks.

"Thank you." Cassie smiles.

"My pleasure, love. I can drive."

"Let's take my car."

Then, the two were off to Mystic Falls.

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