ch. 9 | morning

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{ Cassandra }

I woke in my bed with a splitting headache and head to the bathroom, looking for some Tylenol. I grab the pill and head downstairs for some water. I was surprised when I saw Klaus sleeping on the couch and his phone began ringing: it was Elijah. I decided to pick up the phone since Klaus probably went to sleep really late.

"Hello, Elijah?"

"Oh. Hello, Cassandra. I'm taking that Niklaus is sleeping."

"Yes, he is. We didn't get back to my house until 2am. Is there anything you need me to tell him?"

"Oh, yes. Tell him that it's his turn to buy groceries." We both laugh over the phone.

"Of course. I'll come and see you guys later. Goodbye, Elijah."

"Goodbye, Cassandra."

I put Klaus's phone back on the coffee table and head to the kitchen. I open the fridge and grabbed a water bottle. My headache finally went to rest after I took the Tylenol.

"Might as well make breakfast for everyone," I say to myself. I look through the cabinets and find my ingredients. Chocolate chips, pancake batter, bacon, and some fruits I found in the fridge.

Yeah, I know vampires don't really need to eat. As long as they have blood, they're good to go. But this is the girl that is half-witch, so I get really hungry.

I made my pancake batter and poured the chocolate chips into the bowl. I looked around for a pan of some kind and found a pancake griddle. Hm, I guess Damon still makes blueberry pancakes now and then. As I was flipping my pancakes, Damon and Bonnie came walking into the house. "Something smells amazing, Little Rose." Damon comes gives me a bear hug and kisses my forehead.

"Thank you, brother. Oh! Hey, Bonnie!"

"Hi, Cassie! Just came to drop off Damon since his hangover is over. He just needs some food in him." Bonnie laughs.

"Bonnie, stay for breakfast. I'm more than happy to make just a couple more pancakes."

"Thanks, Cass." She smiled.

Damon and Bonnie sat by the breakfast bar as I finished the pancakes. The timer went off and I asked, "Brother, can you get the bacon out of the oven for me, please?"

"Sure, Little Rose."

Damon put the strips of bacon on a plate and I grabbed a tray and placed the pancakes.

"Now, we wait for the drama queen to wake up." Damon jokes about Stefan.

"I'll go wake up Klaus." I walk out of the kitchen and into the living room.

Klaus' light snores fill the room and I tilted my head at him, wondering. It was more like daydreaming but he looked so pure in this moment. Why would anyone think he's a monster? My thoughts clouded my train of thought and Klaus woke up to me, just staring directly at him.

"And good morning, Mystic Falls." Klaus says in almost a whisper, rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning, Cassanda."

"Good morning, Niklaus. Join us for breakfast?"

"I'd love to."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2017 ⏰

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