"Brooke! Get over here!" I hear my stupidly annoying mum's voice calling me. Don't get me wrong, I love my mother. But I just can't stand her sometimes.
I get out of my extremely comfy bed and make my way to the kitchen.
"Yes?" I ask, annoyed. She sighs and gives me a huge smile.
"I have some news..." She says and I roll my eyes. It's gonna be something terrible. I already know it.
"What?" She gives me an even bigger smile and I already know what she's gonna say. "No! I am not going to move in with that thing!" I scream and her smile fades.
"Yes you are! I am your mother and we are moving in with Joe! We are moving to USA. We're going and we're leaving tomorrow. We're going to Cali." I hate her so much.
"Tomorrow?!" I scream again and she nods her head yes. How dare she? Does she not think about my feelings? It's all her and Joe on Cloud 9 and I'm left in the background. I roll my eyes and storm out of the kitchen and run up to my bedroom. How am I only being told we are moving to the other side of the world ONE DAY BEFORE?
I take a quick shower and get dressed in high waisted black jeans and a dark blue crop top with my black converse. I brush my hair and do my makeup. Finally, I grab my phone and leave my house.-----------------
"No you're not!" Jack exclaims and I take a deep breath. I look at my three best friends and try to fight the tears. I can't cry in public. We are sitting on random steps that lead to God knows where in the middle of town.
"I really don't want to go. Especially to move in with that fucking Joe." I say and I feel Emily put her arm around my neck.
"Doesn't Joe have like, loads of money?" She asks and I nod.
"Then you'll visit all the time! Your mum has friends here too, she'll want to see them." James says and I groan of frustration.
"I guess." These are my best friends. We do all sorts of crazy shit together. We've been through thick and thin and I can't imagine my life without these guys.
"Plus, you'll meet loads of fit American guys!" Emily says and I laugh. She is obsessed with fit guys and I have to admit, I don't mind them either.
"And make sure to tell us about any fit birds." Jack says with a smirk and him and James laugh. Right. No thanks.
"Yeah, I don't think so." I give them a smile and we all laugh. Emily's phone starts ringing and she answers. She stays on the phone for like, 5 minutes which is quite annoying.
"Ugh!" She says and walks back over to us. "My bloody brother needs me to pick him up!"
"No!" I shriek and she hugs me. "I'm gonna miss you so much you imbecile." I say and feel her smile. Inside joke.
"I'm gonna miss you more, Brooke." I smile and we let go. Don't cry, Brooke.
"See you guys later." She says to Jack and James and we hug one last time before she has to go. I turn to Jack an James to find them talking about things I'd rather not hear.
"Yeah, I don't want to hear about the girls you've shagged but thanks." I tell them and they just smile."I'm gonna miss you so much, Brooke." James says and pulls me into a hug. I hug him back and we fall on Jack, which makes us all laugh.
"Guys, I can't breath." Jack managed to say and we laugh harder but get off him.------------
"MOTHER!! WHERE ARE MY THINGS?!" I scream as I enter my now empty bedroom. All that's left is my bed and clothes neatly set on top.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you that Joe paid a moving van!" She says with wide smile across her face. Ugh.
"I don't want strange people touching my stuff." I state and she sighs.
"Brooke, stop being so difficult. Come on, it's almost midnight. You should get a good nights sleep before the long flight tomorrow." My mum says and walks out of my room, closing the door behind her. UGH!----------------
I get out of the taxi and walk towards the house. Wow. It's the most beautiful house I have ever seen. It's like a mansion.
Snap out of it, Brooke!
"Hey babe!" Joe says and gives my mum a kiss. Ew. "Hey, kiddo!" He says to me but I just ignore him.
"Brooke! Be nice!" My mother scolds but I jut roll my eyes. I walk into the house since the door is wide open. Super safe, you know?

Love Drunk
Teen Fiction"Good things don't last forever. That's something I've learnt throughout my life. That's why I'm avoiding spending time with Ryan, just the two of us. It won't last. Nothing ever does. " Brooke Jones is the Badass of her school in England. Girls env...