Chapter 18

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"Alright, open your eyes." Ryan tells me  and I do. A beautiful picnic is revealed to me, there was a Hawaiian pizza (my favourite) and coke, watermelon and a massive jar of Nutella. The sky is just turning that purpley-red and there aren't any clouds in the sky. It's beautiful.
I look at Ryan and give him a smile.
"I love you." We both say in unison which makes us chuckle. He wraps his arms round me and we fall to the floor in a fit of laughter.

"So, what do you think?" I turn to Ryan as I eat my thousandth spoon of Nutella.
"Great! I mean, a 1kg jar of Nutella? The most romantic gesture there is." I say with a smirk stuck in my face.
"Yeah, it really comes naturally to me. When I think of romance the first word that comes to mind is: food."
"You know what? Same. I mean, our relationship is based off of food. The only reason that I'm with you is because you give me food." I put down the now empty jar of Nutella, grab the container of watermelon and start eating it.
"I am shocked! And here I was, thinking you actually liked me." I smile up at Ryan as he wraps his strong arms around me and rests his chin on top of my head.
"Way to make me feel short." I whisper to him and feel him smile.

"Do you smell that?" I ask Ryan. The smell of barbecue invades my nose. That's nice.
"Yeah, I do. What-"
"Are you guys joining us or what?!" We hear Dean shout from a distance. Everyone is in the field with a barbecue and the lovely smell of burgers.
"When did this happen?" I say and Ryan doesn't take his eyes off of Dean, the rage was clear in his face. I cup his face in my hands and make him face me.
"I love you." I say, giving him a quick kiss. "But we're joining the others."

I take another drag of my cigarette and stub it out. All the guys are currently in their own little world, Kayla and Gaby are swimming in the lake, so I am with Alice and Casey.
"Brooke, can I ask you something?" Alice asks out of he blue.
"Sure!" Alice fidgets with her bracelets and I see her blush. "Is this about a boy?" I smirk at her innocence.
"Well, yeah-"
"But under no circumstances can you tell my brothers!" She cuts me off and I eye her with curiosity.
"Alright... What's up?" Alice clears her throat and looks at her lap.
"Well so there's this guy... He's so sweet and nice, not to mention  hot. Anyway, we used to be together, he's one year older so he's 16. He used to always come over and stuff and my parents loved him - they still do - and so did my brothers. But then he cheated on me so, obviously, I broke up with him. So, lately we've started talking again and it's just like old times. He asked me to be his girlfriend again. I-I just don't know what to do." I hug Alice and she instantly returns the hug.
"So, it's hard to say what to do because I've never met him. He might be a fuckboy. He might've just made a mistake. But the thing I still don't get, why can't your brothers know, Alice?"
"Dean found out that Kian cheated on me. If he knew I was even talking to him, my phone would probably be smashed right now." I raise my eyebrows at that. I've never pictured Dean as a violent person. Intimidating? Yes. But not violent.
"Alright. I won't tell them don't worry."

"Hey, you girls should be getting to bed now." I hear Dean say from behind me and turn.
"Is that your way of saying 'Can you youngsters leave so we can all hook up and drink vodka'?" Alice says back, making me chuckle but I stop as soon as I see Dean giving me a death stare.
"What? It is." I smile at him and even get a small one out of him.
"Alright, come on, Casey." Alice puts her hands up in surrender band takes Casey in with her.


hey guysssss
I know I'm not posting a lot but I'm really trying I make these chapters the best they can be.
thanks so much for 12k!!!
it really means a lot and I love all your support <3
-The Author xxx

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