Good things don't last forever. That's something I've learnt throughout my life. That's why I'm avoiding spending time with Ryan, just the two of us. It won't last. Nothing ever does.
"Brooke?" My body instantly freezes at Ryan's voice. "I thought you had the flu." I look back to see my friends looking at me and sigh.
"Yeah, well. I-It went a little early. But I'm better now!" I blurt out a little too loud. The whole diner may or may not be looking at us right now.
"Oh, I see. So you're flu lasts an hour?" Ryan says and takes a seat next to me.
Oh, joy.
"Pretty much, yeah." I chuckle nervously and he stares at me intently.
"Brooke, I'm not an idiot. What's wrong?" This day just gets better and better.
"Nothing. I'm fine, Ryan, honestly -" I get cut off by Ryan's lips on mine.I immediately forget about everything in the last month. His hand strokes my cheek and mine I through his - beautiful - hair.
We pull away and I start blushing for no apparent reason.
"Cuties!" Kayla shouts from the other table and I blush even more.
"As I told you before, I'm not an idiot." Ryan says, his beautiful green-blue eyes boring into mine.
"I know." I smile and before anything else can happen a terrifying voice calls my name."Brooke! I've been searching high and low for you! But I've found you." I turn round to face Joe. My breath catches in my throat and my heart is pounding.
I knew that I got warned about him but I never thought he would actually come for me. I don't know why he would want to.I guess Ryan recognised him from the news last week because he stands up and puffs his chest out like gorillas do. Okay that sounds creepy and weird, but it kind of what he did. I stand up behind him and look over to Jordan desperately.
"Get out of here." Ryan warns Joe and takes one step closer to him. I consider jumping over the booth but as I told you before, I'm not an athletic person.
I can feel my hands sweating and I can see Gaby walking outside on the phone. I hear the words 'help' 'Joseph Brown' and 'quickly'. Good. Police are coming. Then I get a text from her when she hangs up.Gaby-
I sigh and suddenly feel Joe grab my phone. Ryan pushes him and Joe goes flying to the counter. Ryan grabs my phone and gives it to Kayla. This escalated quickly.
This is probably the best time to mention Joe was an MMA fighter thingy.
"Now, if you were smart, you wouldn't have done that." Jordan, Harvey, Jason and some random worker come to help Ryan and I try to get away.
I'm halfway out of the booth when Joe's arms wrap around my waist and he throws me onto the floor with, possibly, all of his force. I scream in pain and grab my shoulder, where I landed.
Jordan punches Joe's jaw and some blood is visible.
I try getting up and the pain becomes worse. Ryan steps in front of me, in protection. But Joe being Joe, gets Ryan out of the way and throws me to the floor again but stronger this time. I feel the tears rolling down my face as I hit the side of the counter. I scream and scream as if that would make things better but before I know it, all the guys are on Joe.
They're throwing punches, kicking him but when it seems Joe gives in, he gets up and pushes the all off.
The guy is like the fucking hulk.The pain on my shoulder is more or less gone but my right knee is swollen and I can move my right leg. I'm still crying but my screaming has worn me out.
I just don't understand what I've done to Joe.Joe walks up to me and I can see the fire in his eyes. There's nothing I can do now.
Joe kicks my head and I'm out.Only for a second or two. My skull is tough. I manage to sit down. But Joe is still there. He kicks my head again and again. I start feeling dizzy. Stay, Brooke.
The thing that scares me the most is how he doesn't speak to me. Is this what he did to my mother?
Harvey suddenly appears and carries me out very quickly. Joe tries to get me but the rest of the guys get in front of him before he could touch me. Harvey carries me out and I see the police.
They're the last thing I see.
Everything goes black.

Love Drunk
Teen Fiction"Good things don't last forever. That's something I've learnt throughout my life. That's why I'm avoiding spending time with Ryan, just the two of us. It won't last. Nothing ever does. " Brooke Jones is the Badass of her school in England. Girls env...