"So, how was the party last night?" My mother asks me as we eat our breakfast. She cannot find out that I came back late. Even though it was only 45 minutes, she would freak.
"Ummm, it was good." I say and she shares a look with Joe.
"So when are you bringing these friends here?" Joe asks and I roll my eyes. His presence annoys me. Who does he think he is to ask me such personal questions?
"I don't know." I say bluntly and put my plate in the dishwasher. I had planned to meet Brianna at the diner now and I hate being late. "I have to go. I'm meeting my friend at the diner and I can't be late." I say quickly and grab my phone and keys before leaving the house."Brooke!" Brianna says as I walk into the diner and I give her a hug. "So, the others are over there. Go sit and I'll be there in a second." She says with a wide smile and I nod. I walk over the booth were everyone was squished together. They're all too stubborn to go sit in two tables. They're arguing as to who should go sit at the other booth.
"Is there any space for me?" I laugh and they all snap their heads towards me.
"We can make this work, guys! Brooke, sit next to Ryan!" Jordan demands and I do as he says. Ryan is at the edge so they all move up for me to sit there. I manage to sit down and Ryan gives me a smirk. I roll my eyes and smile down at the table.
"Where do I sit?" Brianna whines as she arrives. I'm afraid she might have to sit on someone's lap.
"Brooke, move it!" Kayla says and I try my hardest to move closer to Ryan. Is it possible for almost 10 people to fit in one booth? Maybe.I manage to make enough space for Brianna and now all 9 of us (Gaby, Harvey an Jason joined us, apparently they're part of the group too) are sitting in the relatively small booth. I feel my phone buzz in my back pocket and I take a deep breath. How on Earth am I going to take my phone out now? I get my hand into my pocket and grab my phone but it's a lot harder to get it out.
"Ryan." I whisper to him and he turns to face me. "Pull my arm." I say and he chuckles.
"Why?" He laughs and I chuckle.
"It's stuck!" I say and he bursts out laughing. Rude. After a lot of strength, my arm was out and I opened the text. It better be important.Mum-
Joe and I are ping out of town or a bit. I left money under your pillow and there's more money in your debit card. We'll be back and 2 weeks! We're only 30 minutes away, don't worry. Love you! XxxTypical. No that I'm complaining, I have always loved having the house to myself and do what I want. But she's hardly ever around. I put my phone in my purse because I'm smart and stop thinking about it.
"Guys, look who it is!" Harvey shouts and we all turn to to see a girl, about our age. She had her hair tied up with round reading glasses and was wearing a hideous outfit. She might as well have taken it out the rubbish.
"Nice outfit, Kimberly! Did mommy pick out your outfit for you?" Ryan shouts to her and everyone laughs except me. That is absolutely ridiculous. Who the fuck do these people think they are? I nude Ryan's stomach and he looks at me with surprise in his eyes and rubs the spot where I hit him. "What was that for? He complains and I roll my eyes.
"That was so rude!" I say to him and he rolls his eyes. Ugh. He's so annoying and stupid.
"We're just joking with her!" Ryan says back to me.
"That is not a joke, Ryan!" I say a bit louder and he takes a deep breath.
"Just chill." He smirks and laughs at some ridiculous thing that Gaby said. The girl who I'm assuming is Kimberly, was still sat at the table in front of our booth reading a book. I look at her and remember me. Yep, you read right.I, Brooke Jones used to be a complete and utter nerd. Geek. Whatever you want to call it. I would always pay attention in class. Highest notes you could get. Studying until I fell asleep. I was an angel. But that's the past.
I have had enough of this fucking bullshit. I stand up and Brianna almost falls off the booth but she manages to stand up in time. I am way too angry to apologise or anything. I walk over to Kimberly and sit next to her.
"Brooke! You might catch the disease!" Kayla shouts at me and I roll my eyes. Kimberly looks at me with confused eyes and I sigh.
"Ignore them. They're fucking idiots that have no idea how they make people feel." I say and she nods. I can tell she's trying to hold back the tears. I was like that once. Holding back the tears became a routine.
"It's fine. I'm used to it." She says, giving me a weak smile and I try to resist the urge to roll my eyes.
"Well, you shouldn't be." I say and a tear rolls down her cheek.
"Brooke, get over here!" Ryan hours at me and I turn around to see him looking at me with guilt. What does he want?"Yes?" I say as I arrive at the booth.
"What are you doing over there?" Jason asks me. Right, I don't even know him but he gets on my nerves.
"I'm not cold hearted." I say look at all of them.
"Jeez, Brooke, no need to over react." Harvey says and I roll my eyes.
"Are you like, mad at us now?" Brianna asks and I sigh.
"No. I'm just... Annoyed. She has feelings, you know?" I say and they all look at each other. I roll my eyes and walk back over to Kimberly. "Sorry. Wanna come to my house?" I say and she looks up from her book quickly.
"Seriously?" She asks with her innocent little voice and I give her a smile.
"Of course! Let's go!" I say and we stand up. "I'll meet you guys tonight." I say to the rest and they nod.

Love Drunk
Teen Fiction"Good things don't last forever. That's something I've learnt throughout my life. That's why I'm avoiding spending time with Ryan, just the two of us. It won't last. Nothing ever does. " Brooke Jones is the Badass of her school in England. Girls env...