Jonathan Byers x reader

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You were laying on your bed, staring at the ceiling, checking the time every five minutes. Your brother Dustin was still not home and you were starting to worry about him. You usually picked him up whenever you knew he would be over at Mike's this long, driving home his friends as well, but he had insisted to drive by bike, talking about how he's old enough to go on his own. Your parents were most likely asleep by now as they were working most of the time, leaving you home alone and in charge of your brother. You didn't mind though. You were really close to him and got along with his friends as well. Probably because you were just as nerdy as them.

Suddenly you heard the garage door open and close just moments later. You jogged downstairs. Dustin was just about to unlock the door as you opened it for him.
" Shit Y/N!!, you scared me!", he said loudly. "Sorry for being late..."
"It's fine, I just wish you would've called me. I don't have a phone in my room for nothing.", you said with a stern voice. Dustin lowered his head and nodded. You ruffled through his hair and smiled, stepping aside. He laughed, relieved about you not being mad at him.
"How was the game?", you asked, leaning against the wall while Dustin took of his shoes and jacket.
"We couldn't finish, Mike's mother kicked us out, but I think the Demogorgon got Will."
"Aw that sucks, sorry about that"

Jonathan Byers x readerWhere stories live. Discover now