"Please don't tell anyone"

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School had finally ended and you couldn't be more relieved. Not only was it especially boring today but you just couldn't keep your mind off of Jonathan and Will. Jonathan had not gone to school today and Nancy told you her mother got a call from Joyce as well. You knew Will, he wouldn't run away or just skip school. He was a good boy. Something had happened to him, you were sure.

When you arrived home Dustin was already there. He was in his room and was currently doing his homework. You knocked on the door and he invited you in. You sat down next to him on the bed.
"How was school today?" You asked and hit his arm playfully.
"Ouch!...It was really fun, the heathkit Ham shack came today that Mr. Clarke ordered for us! We tried it out but then chief Hopper came and wanted to talk to us about Will. They can't find him anywhere."
His face dropped a little. You noticed how worried he was and put your arm around his shoulder.
"They will find him Dustin, I'm sure about that."
You ruffled through his hair, just like you always did, and stood up.
"I'm making dinner soon, we're having Chicken and Vegetables and I'm going to ask Mum and Dad whether they will join us today."
Dustin nodded and smiled and you made your way over to your room. You had homework to do as well after all.

It was already 8pm and Dinner needed to be ready soon. You always tried to have dinner as late as possible so your parents could eat with Dustin and you but you were getting hungry and Dustin was always hungry anyways. Your mum would be home at around 10 and your dad would come home at 11. You knew that both of them didn't actually work that long but you didn't ask any questions. Your mum was probably over at her friend's house drinking and your dad was probably at the pup as well. You were used to it in all honesty. The only time they were home was on the weekends and on holidays and they weren't exactly loving to each other then.

You were done with Dinner and Dustin was downstairs in a matter of seconds. You mostly talked about Dungeons and Dragons while eating but he told you about his new comics too which you got him a few days ago. You occasionally borrowed them and read through them yourself so you didn't mind spending your money.

After you were done eating both of you went to your rooms. You just couldn't sleep as you were still worried about everything that was going on. Since your mum didn't want you outside because of Wills disappearing you climbed out of your window and made your way over to the part of the forest where they had found Will's bike. Volunteers were searching for him there and you wanted to help. You eventually found them and wandered with them through the forest.

Chief Hopper had insisted on driving you home, he knew you pretty well because he knew your father. He promised not to tell your parents about it, telling you that you should sneak out to have fun and not to look for a lost boy. As you made your way into the house as quiet as possible you walked past Dustin's room and looked inside. He was not there. After searching for him everywhere you decided to relax and just wait for him to get back.

After half an hour you heard the door open. Dustin stood there with panic in his eyes.
"Where were you!?" You whispered.
"I was searching for Will with Lucas and Mike. Please don't tell mum and dad - wait, why are you dressed?"
You looked down, you had totally forgotten to take off your clothes.
"Uuh...I was searching for Will..."
You laughed, scratching the back of your neck.
"I won't tell if you won't tell" Dustin held out his hand. You shook it and nodded your head.
"Just don't do it again without telling me. And now come upstairs, I don't want mum and dad to wake up.

Both of you made your way up to Dustin's room that was further away from your parent's bedroom than yours was. You sat down on his bed together.
"Did you find anything?" You asked.
Dustin tried not to look at you and shook his head.
"Don't try to lie to me, you are the worst liar I know."
"You have to promise not to tell anyone."
You made a pinky promise with him.
"We found a girl in the forest. She had no pants on, just a large shirt and she had really short hair. I thought she had cancer or something. Mike gave her a few clothes to change into and she just wanted to take off her clothes in front of us! Absolutely Mental!"
"Yea she just too-"
"No Dustin! Where is she now? Whats her name?"
"She's at Mike's. You really can't tell anyone Y/N. We have a plan for tomorrow and she won't stay, I promise."
You just nodded, not knowing what to do. You definitely wanted to check out that mysterious girl tomorrow but right now you just wanted to sleep.

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