"Have you seen Will?"

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"Beeb beeb beeb...beeb beeb beeb..."
You groaned, trying to reach your alarm clock. After the third attempt you finally reached it, knocking over your lamp accidentally. Your eyes shot open at the loud bang that it had caused and you groaned again.
After you had finally found the energy to pull your body away from the bed you quickly went into the bathroom and got ready. Then you put on one of your favourite sweaters and some jeans and quickly woke up Dustin who had once again ignored his alarm clock.

Your parents were already off to work so you were making breakfast for Dustin and you while Dustin sat at the table in the kitchen and discussed the game of the night before. Suddenly the phone starting ringing, cutting off Dustin mid sentence. You quickly gave Dustin his eggs and toast and answered.
"Hello it's Joyce. Will's mum. Is he with you? Have you seen him?"
"No he isn't here, please wait a second.", you said. You turned to Dustin, holding the phone to your chest.
"Will did drive home last night, right?" You asked. You started to worry about Will. He was always very nice to you and you had given him a ride home more than once.
"Yea, we had a race to our house but he was way too fast for me.", Dustin said, his mouth almost too full to understand him but you were used to it. You explained to Joyce what happened and she thanked you, saying that he probably already left for school.

It was already quite late so you quickly cleaned up the kitchen and got your school back ready for the day. After asking Dustin multiple times if he needed a ride to school you eventually gave up and decided to take your skateboard. Jonathan Byers had shown you how to ride it when you moved here with your family. That was a long time ago and you never really spoke to him now, except for the quick "thank you" and "no problem" when you dropped of Will. This unfortunately didn't change the fact that you had a huge crush on him ever since and you hated yourself for that. You were always too shy to make the first step so you just tried to forget about it.


Thank you so much for taking your time and reading this. I appreciate it a lot. I just quickly wanted to apologize for how long it's taking me to update and for any mistake I might make. English isn't my first language so please forgive me. You can point out any grammar or spelling mistakes and I'll correct them. 💕

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