Car ride

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Both of you got into the car and Jonathan started the motor. You never skipped school but you had more important things to do right now. You looked over at Jonathan who was pretty concentrated on driving out of the parking lot. His hair covered most of his forehead and part of his eyes and you were sure that you had never seen something more beautiful. He must have noticed you staring as he blushed slightly and tightened his grip on the steering wheel. You immediately looked away.
"Umm...would you be okay with I could put the radio on.." he asked, stuttering.
"Yea" you said, almost too quickly. You really didn't want this car ride to get awkward.

After a few minutes 'Should I stay or should I go' by The Clash came on and you noticed Jonathan looked a bit sad. You knew it must've been Will's favourite song as the both of you sung along to it quite a few times on the way to the Byers house.

"Do you know the song?", Jonthan asked.
Lost in thought you hadn't noticed that you had been humming along to it.
"Yea, I love it actually." You said, your cheeks heating up.
"Me too"
Jonathan put up the volume and both of you started to sing along. For a few minutes he seemed to forget everything that's been going on. This was actually the first time in years you've seen him laugh and it made your heart beat faster.

The song had ended and you were both laughing really hard. You wiped away a few tears that were running down your cheeks when you realized that Jonathan Byers had just heard your hideous laugh you were always trying to hide from everyone.
"Oh my God, my laugh sounds terrible" you said, hiding your face with your hands.
"I think it's really cute" Jonathan said, regretting it right afterwards. He blushed but couldn't help smiling. You looked at him and blushed as well.

The rest of the car ride was pretty quiet again but it wasn't nearly as awkward as it had been earlier.
Jonathan pulled into the driveway of his father's house. He took a deep breath and looked at you. You smiled at him softly and got out of the car. He did too and quickly walked over to the front door. He knocked with so much force, you thought he might break it.

A Woman with huge hair opened the door.
"Is Lonnie around" Jonathan asked loudly.
"Yea he's in the living room."
Jonathan pushed her out of the way and ran inside. The woman shouted at him but he ignored her. She ran after him, you close behind. Lonnie had Jonathan pushed against the wall.
"Get off of me!", Jonathan screamed.
"Who is that?" The woman asked as Lonnie finally let go of Jonathan.
"Cynthia, this is Jonathan, my oldest." Lonnie tried to hug Jonathan but he pushed him away once again.
Lonnie noticed you. His eyes widened.
"Y/n!? Wow I haven't seen you in years. Gotten pretty hot"
You nodded and smiled at him, clearly uncomfortable with the whole situation.

Jonathan continued searching and eventually went outside. Lonnie and you followed him.
"Are you two in a relationship or something?" Lonnie asked, you blushed a little bit at that but no one noticed.
"No, we're not" you answered.
Jonathan finally went to the back of the car and opened the trunk.
"Seriously? Wanna check my ass too? Just how I told you and the cops. He's not here, never has been"
"Why didn't you call mum back?" Jonathan asked, voice raised slightly.
"Oh I- I just thought she forgot where he is or that he got lost or something. I mean the boy was never really independent." Lonnie said shrugging.
"This is serious. There are search parties, Reporters."
"Is hopper still the chief in Hawkins? Tell your mom you should move out of there. Come to the city. Better atmosphere. And I could see you more often."
Jonathan just shook his head.
"Do you think I don't want to see you?" Lonnie asked.
"I know it." Jonathan answered.
"That's your mother talking. Does she know you're here? Oh good, one kid is missing and the other one is running around. She's taking good care of you. See, maybe I'm not the asshole you think I am." Lonnie said. Jonathan took out the missing poster and gave it to him.
"In case you forgot what he looks like."
He took your hand and lead you away from Lonnie.

Both of you got into the car and Jonathan closed his eyes for a second.
"Are you okay?" you asked calmly.
"Yea, just exhausted."
"I could always drive, you know."
"No it's fine, thank you for coming with me y/n."
Jonathan looked at you, smiling softly. You smiled back at him.
"Any time."

The ride back seemed quicker than before. When you arrived at your house Jonathan pulled over and looked at you, he looked almost sad.
"Thank you for driving me home Jonathan."
"Thank you for coming with me. I really enjoyed it, I mean that you came not that we had to go there." Jonathan stammered and you giggled. You leaned over to give him a quick hug. At first he was surprised but he eventually leaned in. You got out of the car, waved him goodbye and made your way towards the door.

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