"Talk to him"

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You finally arrived at school, picked up your skateboard and made your way over to the front door. Walking through it the first people you noticed where Nancy Wheeler and Barb Holland. You weren't exactly too close to them but they were always nice to you, other students not so much. You were diffrent, enjoyed dark colors and things that weren't "girly enough" such as music that was quite edgy. But you didn't care, at least everyone thought so as you always tried your best to look confident when in reality you were damn anxious.

You walked over to Barb and Nancy and they greeted you with large smiles.
"Hey Y/N", said Barb, pushing her glasses back onto her nose.
Nancy nodded and smiled once again. "Hi guys", you said waving your hand and walked over to your locker that was just a few lockers away from Nancy's.
"Seriously Barb, it's not like that...we just made out a couple times" said Nancy, getting her Books out of her locker as well.
"We Just made out a couple times", Barb mocked her and you walked back over to them.
"Seriously Nancy, you're gonna be so cool now. It's ridiculous...You better still hang out with us, that's all I'm saying."
"If you become friends with Tommy H. or Carol I swear-" you added but Nancy cut you off.
"I'm telling you, it was a one...two time thing" Nancy said as you noticed a little note on the bottom of her locker. You laughed and pointed at it. She quickly picked it up and a opened it.
"Meet me in the bathroom -Steve" It said. Barb and you laughed and Nancy made her way over to the bathroom.

"Soo, did you see him already?" Barb asked curiously.
You gave her a questioning look.
"Jonathan. I heard his brother is missing. I think you should talk to him."
You knew exactly who she was talking about. Barb was the only person you told about your crush on Jonathan, other than Dustin who noticed you blushing once after talking to him, as you were afraid Nancy would tell Steve about it. Barb said that was Bullshit but you wanted to be on the safe side. The only reason you told Barb after all was because she had already noticed how you looked at him and how nervous you got when you found out you would be in his Photography class at the beginning of this school year.

"I don't think that's a good idea. I mean, he probably doesn't want to talk to me." You frowned.
"Y/N, I don't get how you don't notice that you are absolutely beautiful and he should be lucky to talk to you." Barb smiled kindly and hugged you. You thanked her and made your way over to your classroom.


Thank you for all the good feedback💕

I'm so sorry about taking so long to upload. I just started school a week ago and it's really stressful. I'll try to upload more often. Probably later today as well.
As you may noticed this fan fiction will most definitely only be in the reader's pov so there won't be any scenes included where the reader is not there. I also try to stay as close as possible to the original script but I obviously have to include things that didn't happen.

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