Chapter 2

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They don't know where they're being taken by all these strange men surrounding them, nor do they know how long it's going to take to get there. But distance and time aren't really what Jongin thinks they should be concerned about. The fact that everyone nearly got attacked is enough to keep him in a state of shock, but it's the men that almost attacked knowing him that sends him over the edge. 

He has so many questions for them. Where are we going? Who are you? How do you know me? Why have you been waiting for me? And because all of these questions and more swirl around in his head as they trudge through the sand, Jongin finds himself untrusting of the men that surround him and his friends. He knows his questions will eventually get answers, but even answers can't ensure that they will remain safe. These men could be working for the Government as spies or they could be another group of people who want all the power to themselves. 

"When it comes to the truth, you can't trust anyone here." 

He remembers when Yoochun told him this and despite the fact that he was referring to the Government while he was still trapped in The Dome, Jongin knows it could easily apply to where he is now. And that's the reason why for the sake of him and all the people he cares about, Jongin decides to keep a close on them. 

A long time passes and by the time the men show signs of slowing down, the moon is lighting up the dark sky above. "We're sorry for the little hike we had to take," one of the men at the front says as he looks back at Jongin, "but we've arrived at our destination."

"Destination?" Jongin says with furrowed eyebrows. "What destination? All I see his piles of sand."

"Well then," the man says, chuckling a little, "let us get out of your way." They take a step back and Jongin glances back at Kyungsoo, who sill holds baby tightly in his arms, before beginning to walk forward. He can hear the others' feet moving through the sand behind him as he does this, walking until he reaches the edge of the hill and then looking down slightly. 

"Wow..." His jaw falls open, the same coming from the others in a sort of domino style. 

"And we thought we were doing pretty well at surviving in a desert," Chanyeol comments, but no one looks at him when he says this because they're all still gawking at the small colony in front of them. It looks like something out of an old storybook set in the times where there were more villages than cities. There's house and trees and they can even see the minuscule bodies of other people walking around inside; it has to be one of the most amazing sights Jongin's ever witnessed. 

"What is that place?" Jongin asks the man who was speaking previously, finally able to tear his eyes away. 

"That's what we call home," he starts, coming up to Jongin's side and placing his hands on his hips as he exhales, "but for strangers like yourselves, you'll call it Kohara."

"Kohara," Jongin repeats, his pronunciation slow as his eyes move back to the open structure.

"Essentially," the man continues to explain, "Kohara is a refugee's paradise, refugees of The Dome, that is. Everyone who is an inhabitant of Kohara has once lived in The Dome for some amount of time or another and escaped. However, not all who escape can make it here without dying first, which is why we so taken aback to see this many of you together. It's scarce that we see one man make it out alive but 11 plus a's definitely close to a miracle." 

Jongin only nods at his, still apprehensive of the man's words. "So, what, you and all those people down there are able to live in the desert because of Kohara?" he inquires. 

"Pretty much," he says, nodding his head and removing his hands from his hips. "Let's keep walking, yeah? We don't need it going pitch dark on us before we can make it back." He and his men begin walking again, his men taking the lead Jongin assumes to ensure their safe arrival. The man goes on talking to him as they walk, though. "It took about five or six years to build what you see, considering there isn't much out here in terms of resources," he says, glancing back at him every minute or so, "and we're still not fully functional as a colony yet. We have managed to find a stable sources of water, oil, food, and some medication, but as more refugees come in from The Dome, it's hard to provide the proper care for them while still maintaining the proper care for everyone else. But it does help having people of all different skill-based backgrounds living here. It helps us continue to progress, improve, and thrive." Upon hearing this, Jongin turns to Kyungsoo, who just shrugs at him and adjusts baby in his arms. 

The Invasion (Part 2 of the KaiSoo Fanfic Series)Where stories live. Discover now