Chapter 24- Sleepover

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I flop into a chair, Ocean collapses on my bed beside Kathrine, and Faith slides down the wall to sit on the floor.

"I think it's safe to say we're all stuffed." I say and the all agree to this.

"But you ate barely anything, and you're so skinny!" Kathrine sits up.

"Yes well I kinda had like half a carrot and a crumb of cheese with a tiny glass of water once a day for the entire time I was gone." I explain and they stare at me in horror.

"Really?! No way!"

"That would suck."

"I would've died!"

I laugh as they try to put themselves in that position.

"I've had to buy some smaller clothing until I regain some weight." I smile as their jaws drop, I laugh at their astonishment.

"I have a question, Claire." Ocean looks at her hands in her lap.

"Sure, what is it?" I ask and she readjusts herself.

"Well, you don't have to answer, but could, you, well, tell us what happened?" I freeze thinking if I should or not.

"Sure, why not." They look at me with surprise and I smile. "Just don't be all mopey and sad after, also, no crying allowed, oh, and one more thing, every time I look at you, into your eyes, I don't want to see the whole thing in them. Please don't give pity, that would be like trapping me in that awful past, keeping my in those memories forever." I explain my conditions.

"Sure, whatever you say." Kathrine nods in consent.

"Don't worry, I agree too!" Faith cheers.

"Definitely." Ocean smiles.

"Alright, here is goes." I sigh. " I was taking a walk through the trees on that trail I always walk on, cooling down from my brothers..."

Once I'd finished they had many flashes of mixed feelings as everyone else I've told had.

"Well, I'm glad you made it out, and you're okay now!" Kathrine grins, making us all smile.

"That sounds like a fairly tall tale to me..." Faith starts and Kathrine and her get into a play fight over it, we all cry with laughter.

"Goodnight Claire." My mom peaks her head in and I race over to give her a hug, I love the feeling of safety and love now, I also leave my door open all the time, because I start to freak out that I'm trapped when it's closed, I then say goodnight to my dad and return to my friends.

I close my door, but leave it open a crack and we get out our sleeping bags and lay them across the floor, some of us have difficulties.

"Stupid sleeping bag! I demand you come out!" Kathrine yells then mutters in annoyance to herself, we giggle and she slices a glare at us, we laugh even harder at this.

"Someone is having an issue with her sleeping bag." I laugh and she huffs in annoyance.

"Are you having sleeping bag trouble?" Ocean giggles.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just get over here now and help me idiots!" She demands, but it scares me senseless, should I hide so I don't get hit, or help so I don't get hit?

I race over to her and frantically rip the sleeping bag out and lay it down, placing the pillow at the head. They stare at me confused.

"Sorry, habit." I laugh embarrassed by yet another strange habit of mine.

"That's fine, don't look, I'm going to change." Ocean announces and we all put our heads on the wall with a sigh.

"Fine, just hurry up." I say.

"If you look, you're all dead...I mean...uh, you all owe me a lunch!" I notice that she avoided the other punishment because of recent events.

"Go faster!" Kathrine demands.

"I'm done , I'm done, relax, you can look now." Ocean sit on her sleeping bag as we turn around.

"Like I would want to look at YOU." Kathrine states while looking through her bag for pajamas, I see the disapproving look on Ocean's face and me and Faith roll on the floor laughing when Ocean tackles Kathrine who yelps, then they giggle and play fight.

"Seems you like getting into fights." I say to Kathrine as she sits up, her hair in complete disarray.

"Whatever, every boy likes that part of a girl." She tries to look and sound sophisticated and we all giggle some more.

"Let's play charades, new edition!" Ocean decides and we all look at her in silence. "I'll explain, one person goes up and we give then a situation, person, or emotion to act out, but, they must use it to make us laugh, the first to laugh has to go up next." We start to smile as ideas pop into our heads.

"You go up first since it was you idea." We all smile at her evilly.

"Fine." She sighs and stands in front of us while we move our sleeping bags and lean against the wall sitting.

"You are in complete despair for no reason!"

"You're a germaphobe!"

"You're in the Tim Hortons bathroom!"

"Uh, in despair for no reason, that's the one I'll do." Ocean decides and prepares herself.

"Alright, here it goes." She sighs.

Then she puts on a overly sad face and stumbles around my room, I try hard not to laugh as she falls and pretends to cry, staying silent. Then Kathrine bursts.

We play this for a long while and laugh our hearts out, then we decide to watch a movie on Netflix.

I feel so happy and grateful, for my friends, my house, my room, everything, I can't help but smile the rest of the night.

I go through therapy and rehab for my head but continue at school, I also see a counselor, and my life seems to be normal again. Except for that image stuck in my head of Taylor's pale, bloodied face.

I send thank you gifts to the people from the gas station, and to the police station and I'm on my way once more. But sometimes I feel like I'm being watched.


The End


Hope you enjoyed, I will make a new chapter with the link to the sequel! :)

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