Chapter 7- The Rules

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"The second rule, don't talk back." He whips across my legs and I cry out from the slicing pain and agony that strikes through me.

"Third rule, never hit anyone." I flinch and close my eyes as I feel it slice into my thighs, I scream out in agony and salty tears stream down my face.

"Fourth rule, you will obey." I wait for the next stinging blow which rips across my other arm, and I cry out when the pain starts to run through me.

"Rule number five, never question us and behave." This time the pain tears around my wrists and I'm bawling with agony, anger running fast and furious through me.

"The last rule, number six, you will treat us like royalty." flashing pain strikes my shins once more, and once again, I scream out and new tears wet my cheeks, I bit of hopelessness creeps into my mind but I crush it right away.

I sit there, feeling hopeless, and my mind is clouded with pain I let my head fall and look at the slash over my thighs. Then I close my eyes and let the tears fall, I cry, and cry as they cut me free from the chair and I fall limply to the smooth concrete floor. Too shocked and too agonized to move, then James holds a white cloth to my mouth, but I don't struggle, I don't have the strength. And I fall into darkness at last, away from the pain.


I wake up dazed and pain ripples through me, once again, tears are forced into my eyes and down my face. I lie on my back in the first room I was thrown in, the one with the air mattress and blanket, and the boarded window. Slats of bright sunlight make it lighter than I though it would, I readjust and tense with flashing agony.

The door cracks open and I see Jasmin come in with a...first aid box? Why would they help me after they did all of that?

She comes in and closes the door, she walks over and sets the box beside my 'bed' and crouches over me without a word.

"Why, are you, helping, me." I say completely confused, she opens the box and I see bandages, needles, thread, and other utensils. Is she helping me, or is this more torture?

"I was told to, we can't have you die from infection, because then all that work goes down the drain." Her face remains expressionless. "And we wouldn't get anything from it either." She takes out the bandages and then threads the needle.

"What are you doing!?" I say a little louder, she looks at me, then continues.

"You need stitches, idiot." She rolls her eyes and walks out, I take advantage of this and grab a different needle from the box, I hear a her coming back and slip the needle into my pocket.

My phone, where is it?! They must've taken it from me when I was unconscious at some point! I should have hidden it, what was I thinking!?

She comes in with a moist brown cloth and kneels down and begins to wash off the blood, she then sets it on the floor. I feel so much better now, but I know what comes next, she picks up the already threaded needle and begins at my shines.

After that stitching pain and disaster she picks up the bandages.

"You don't need those on top."I make sure she hears me.

"I know, but it looks better than those stitches." She begins wrapping and I sit there, it feels nice to have someone gently wrapping my wounds, which throb and ache. Once she's done that, she takes my hand and puts two little pills in it, then hands me some water.

"What's this?" I ask looking at her then the pills.

"They help you fall asleep." I hesitantly throw them in and wash them down, she moves on to hand me another pill, I look at her for an explanation. "Painkiller." She states as she packs up all her supplies and leaves.

I lie there dazed by all of this, but take the pill, I readjust myself, but the pain makes it difficult, I manage to fall asleep. I'm so glad they at least gave me those pills.


Suggestions, or feedback would be appreciated, thanks a lot for reading, have a great day! :)

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