Chapter 21- Taylor's Parents

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We are all panting and the nearest officers sit beside us.

"Are you alright?" One of them asks, we all assure him we're fine.

"Claire isn't, she's hurt." The blond girl blurts and I blush from embarrassment.

"Okay, follow us to the ambulance then, stay low." We start walking and hear that evil van stop, then the cops hit the tires as they try to escape, if they catch me, they'll just kill me probably.

Once we reach the ambulance the paramedics come and check on us.

"Are you alright?" One asks us as the rest scurry around doing who knows what.

"Yes." We all say but again the girl tells them I'm hurt, it's true though, but my arm around my aching ribs proves her right, and I'm kinda dizzy too.

"Over here." The paramedic waves and two others bring a stretcher. "Sit don and relax, you're going to be okay, what's you're name?" They ask friendly.

"Claire Foster." I sit and they grab an IV.

"Ready, one, two, three." They put it in and it doesn't feel like anything compared to being kidnapped.

"Wait, are you the missing girl?" They ask me.

"Uh, I was kidnapped." I stutter, they look at m.

"Lie down, I'm Bella, we are taking you to the nearest hospital, we will also contact your family." I lie down and they wheel me into the vehicle, then everything gets blurry and I'm out cold.

"Claire, Claire?" I hear someone and open my eyes  to a bright light, but I feel so worn and tired.

My body stings and aches all over and I feel cold.

"You're in the hospital, nice to meet you, I'm Dr. Russel." I sit up and look around frantically automatically thinking of ways to escape, I get up and dart for the door, I'm in a long white hallway and I bound into an elevator, go to the main floor and run out with yelling behind me.

Then pain from the reopened whip wounds take over and I fall, tears spilling from me as I scream, when the ground hits, I scream again and sob with hopelessness. I will never escape, never.

I lie there and people come racing over, the crowd scares me and I cry, then get up and punch one in the gut, back kick one, side kick, punch, run! Then they firmly grab my arms and I yelp as the wounds tear with agony. I give up and they carefully take me back up and put me in bed with a blanket sobbing.

"It's going to be okay, you can calm down, we won't hurt you, it's all over now, you're family is on their way, also a counselor would like to hear everything, it will be taped for the police, and an officer will be present. You're kidnappers are in custody." He says this and I calm down and relax, then, Taylor.

I scream and cry weakly with sorrow, the sadness I'd had to hold back min order to ge out as she'd wanted.

"Taylor." I whimper as the doctors and nurses hold me comfortingly in their arms so I don't hurt myself more. "Taylor." I repeat it over and over again, it soothes me and I fall in my disturbed sleep again.

"Claire, are you okay?" I see my moms sweet face and hug her, then my dad, and wave hi to my brothers.

"We were so worried, what happened to you?" I scratch the back of my head and look away.

"It's a long story, I don't want to talk about right now." I put my hand down and smile at them all.

"You're okay now." My mom soothes and I lie down.

"Do you know where Taylor is?" I ask ready to give them and answer.

"Well..." Dad starts but I cut him off.

"Can I see her parents please they need to know." They look at me then dad goes into the hall and brings them in, tears in their eyes.

"They came hoping she was with you..."

"I know, she went missing two weeks after me." They look at me confused.

"How did you..." Her parents start.

"She was wit me, for a while, anyways. We made a plan to escape, but it went wrong, and, and..." I take a few moments to stop from cry, I try to speak with a straight voice. "She was stabbed, because of me, I was supposed to be on that side, I should've seen it coming. She died, right there, at my knees, she smiled and told me to get out, for her." Tears come down my cheeks. "I...I...I'm...I'm sorry...for your.. loss." I sob and stutter, the room is silent until they too burst into tears. "I'm so sorry, it's my fault, she was so.."

"It's not your fault, at least you fulfilled her dying wish." Her dad cries and they leave.


Hope you enjoy, there will be a second book, but this isn't the last chapter! :)

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