Ch 9 - The White Door

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He lean his head on cold wall of corridor and close his tired puffy eyes. Try to shut everything and just focus on brown watery eyes stare at him with fear and love before they closed. Try to think about the shaking body when get limp in his arm. He curse himself one more time and open his eyes to stare at the close white door when he heard someone call his name and shake his shoulder roughly
" Murphy ? ... John , hey man "
Murphy sigh and look at Miller worried face
" what happen? You scare me, where the hell is Bellamy ? "
Murphy open his mouth to say something but nothing come out he just look at him and shake his head that make Miller angry
" What that suppose to mean? "
Murphy just stare at him with eyes full of tear he try to say something but couldn't find words , Miller want say something else when Jasper and Monty run to where they sit on the floor they look scared and confused . Jasper was the first one talked
" What happen? where is Bellamy ? "
Miller shrug and look at Murphy
" Damn it Murphy, you wanna say something or I've to make you ? "
Monty look at them pissed then sit on floor in front of Murphy, he put his hand on Murphy' shoulder and push it gently
" Hey man, are you alright ? "
Murphy look at him and nod
" Where is Bellamy ? Is he aright ? "
Murphy Shake his head and look at his hand for minute, someone put his hand on his knee and he look at Miller
" Sorry , just tell us what happen to Bellamy "
Murphy close his eyes for a second and try to review what happened

2 hours ago

" My pills "
Murphy watch him with scare eyes when Bellamy' eyes roll back to his head and his body get limp on his arm.
" Bellamy.. Bell.. "
Panic raises in his chest, He try to wake him up by calling him but he didn't answer. Murphy lay Bellamy' unconscious body on floor and run to his room to get his meds. he came back after moment with glass of water and pick Bellamy' head up try to make him swell the pills but it was useless. Murphy take Bellamy' hand and when he touch him he was so fucking cold. He put his head on Bellamy' solid chest and hear a faint heartbeat. Murphy ' fingers trembled, attempting to find a hold on the phone but it kept slipping between all the empty spaces, everything was fucking slipping away from him. His finger moved across the screen, and he finally pressed down on a name; Miller , because maybe he could send come to help him. He continued to turn in circles around himself until he started to feel the world spin, but he didn't answer the phone. Murphy cursed again " 911 ,.. idiot how could he forget "
A tired women voice vine throw his phone and ask him what is his emergency he look down at Bellamy for moment
" He couldn't breath ... He is so cold , so cold .. "
" Ok, please calm down and tell me everything " Murphy  stuttered out trying to stay calm and told her everything he could.
" listen to me John, you need to focus if you want to save him. Now take a deep breath, can You do it ? "
Murphy nod like she can see him
" I ... I can "
" great, I call ambulance for your address but it may take time so you have to make sure his breathing. Now tell me is he breathing ? How is breathing sounds "
Murphy put his phone down and lean on Bellamy to check his breathing it's so shallow he told her
" Ok go to where you find his medicine and see can you find something help him breath well. Like an inhaler "
Murphy run back to Bellamy' room and check his drawer and nightstand but and find his inhaler and when he want to rush back to where Bellamy was.
Since he was unconscious that was useless and now he barely can hear his breath then he stop breathing at all, Murphy was freaking out and Janet try to calm him down
" John listen to me you have to do CPR, okay "
" I .. I don't know how, I can't .. Bellamy .. He .. He's dying I .. "
His voice was shacking and he hate it , he hate himself for being useless , everyone at school knew how to do CPR except stupid Murphy ... someone called his name and stoped him from his poison thought
" John listen to me it's ok , I tell you how do it , come on you have to do this now if you wanna save Him " Murphy stared down at Bellamy beautiful pale face and his blue lips he was kissing hour ago
" okay .. I ..what should I do "
Murphy moved Bellamy into position, tipping back his head, opening his mouth to check for obstructions, feeling his pulse under his jaw with two fingers. And then Murphy pinched Bellamy's nose and dove down, sealing his mouth over Bellamy's. He watched Bellamy's chest inflate, Murphy pull back and count to three, ducking down again. It seemed to go on forever. Murphy breathed into Bellamy , counted, and repeated. He kept going. He kept breathing. Counting. Whispering...
" Damnit Bellamy, just fucking breath "
"-two, three," Murphy choked back a sob, sealed his mouth over Bellamy's against and breathed into him, "Fuck. Fuck, this isn't working ... "
" .. don't stop, don't quite John "
Murphy keep press on Bellamy hard makes solid chest and watched his chest raise and fall from his breath, he keep breathing for him
" Damnit Bell ... you fucking dare .. "
He was interrupted by Ambulance siren, that's when Miller finally decide to called him back

Back to Hospital

Miller sighed once more , he'd knew something like that would happened to Bellamy the way he was killing himself by working so hard ... damnit Bellamy
Bellamy is more than just friend for himThey all sat in hospital chairs waiting for doctors to cane and tell them what's going on even some of them knew the answer they just remind silence .
He glanced back at Murphy, he looked tired and paled it make him look younger than what he really is. Miller couldn't remembered last time Bellamy throw party or gave them break for having fun but he break some of his rules for this kid. He knew Bellamy long enough to be sure he has feelings for a young guy over there , they both have feeling he noticed that since they arrived at hospital Murphy was staring at that white door without even blinking for god knows how long...

•• I'm Sorry for taking this long to post
I've to deal with my cancer, at the beginning of my treatment, couldn't wait for the day all those thing finish . You may not understand but after I completed my treatment and become cancer survivor I was overwhelmed with so much feeling and wasn't ready to get back my normal life it's take time
With your treatment completed, you'll likely see your cancer care team less often. Though I was so eager and hay to return to a more normal life, but, it can be scary to leave the protective zone where doctors , nurses and they teams are ready to supported you. Also the tough of ' your cancer is going to come back again or not ' fear you for long time. Beside all this thing I had my last year of school and you all knew better how it feel
Now , I'm at college and have some free time so It's best time to get back on my story  ( I knew that I'm disaster writer )

Hope enjoyed it please leave comment I need a feedback and vote if you like
you can find me on instagram @murphamylife

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2019 ⏰

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