•Chapter 1•

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   It was a rainy afternoon, my older brother Axel was downstairs with a bunch of his senior friends, having a 'little' party but we all know the whole downstairs is crowded. My brother hates me, which is why I spend my nights in my room to hide away of me being socially awkward, sometimes my social-anxiety will even build up. The forecast was unexpected, from sunny to Mother Nature not having a chill pill. The water droplets poured down hard against the window, lightning brightening up the skies with its bolt of electricity, and some was enough to light up the small dimmed corners of the room. Once in awhile, thunder would come out of the blues, almost scaring the hell out of me.
   "Stop being an hider and come down here, you fucking loner!" Axel had called out from the side of the stairs. I can almost imagined his face with a pissed off look, his messy blondish hair covered in small drips of stairs and his arms folded across his chest.
   I groaned quietly, already irritated with the fact I have a careless brother to live with. I get good grades, while he fails. I look forward for a future, he goes out and parties. We're like negative-positive magnets with each other, I go for one thing in life, he goes the other, but they never go well together, that's why I try to push his bullshit away from mines.
   "Are you coming down or not?" He called out again.
   "I guess I'm coming! Gosh..." My voice was small and irritated. I pushed my chair out and stood up on my feet, politely pushing it back into my work desk, hiding my work notebooks that was filled with notes, ideas, and pictures to study and live for, in the bottom cabinet of the desk, sighing to myself. I opened my room door, stepping out of it before closing it behind my back and walked down the staircase to a bunch of boys staring at me with an foolish, creepy, and evil smiles. Some had looked like they were top notch a murderer in those mug shots, they looked horrifying.
   "Go on, tell them your name, sis." He smirked, leaning against the wall frame as he looked down at me, almost like a deep stare.
   "Why? So they can stalk all of my information and end my life? On second thought~" I paused. "Sylvia Rosen!" I spoke sarcastically-excitedly. "Nice to meet you guys, now I'm ready for the end of my life!!" I smiled as I walked away to the kitchen, a few chuckled at me trying to be like this, my brother shook his head in disgraced as his attention turned back to his boys. I was everywhere, hunting through the cabinets for something to snack on, to the fridge to get a small ice cold beverage to wash it all down, ending up with a pack of Oreos and a Dr.Pepper. I sat beside the table, opening of the plastic box that had the creamed cookies, diving in and plopped one in my mouth, chewing softly before swallowing. My index finger had gripped the metal as I pulled up and opened the can, slurping down the liquids down my throat, feeling filled.
    "Alright, see you boys around!" Axel told his buddies, giving him the 'bro hugs' and 'manly handshakes' to call it a day, as we both watched the figures disappear into the foggy, rainy, night. He laughed a bit odd, waving goodbye before the door slammed shut and his face was in complete disgust and anger. He darted at me, his fist all clenched up as he shoved me off the chair and onto the ground. This wasn't the first time that happened. His grip tightened around the collar of my shirt, pulling me up with all of his force as he proceeded to worthlessly abuse me. "You ever embarrass me in front of my boys, you're gonna end up in the hospital~ GOT IT!!???" He raised his voice among my face, as he dropped me down on the tiles, staring down at me with pure hatred. I held up my arms in defense, though it wouldn't do much because all I felt was pain, weakness, worthless throughout myself, inside and outside. I nodded slowly as he leaned up and walked away, up the stairs and into his room to probably hit on girls and play video games. My body helplessly fell in the corner of the slightly dimmed room, my body aching up. I clenched the center of my stomach with a gentle force, where Axel had thrown an uppercut, my face was covered in fresh tears. Why do I have to be here? That's all I would ever think about in this moment, is why does it have to be me? My body was already covered in scars, small fresh cuts, even bruises, both new and old. And I know I can't tell anyone, because no one would care, I had lost my friends who had betrayed my back, I lost my parents when I was little, all I have is my brother, who I really hate for what he is doing to me, because he never gives anything in return when I do something for him to save his ass.
     I want someone who would treat me right. I want someone who can be scary, demanding, a true leader, but also sweet and loving. I want a person who will finally notice me and not look at me as a person who is an easy target, and is willing to get tossed around like a bowling ball. But, who?

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