•Chapter 14•

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The season had gone by, snow fell to the pavements, and it was the time of warm sweaters and hot cocoa. My dad from Florida, had sent my little brother Andrew to live with me for the time. Though, he is at least one year younger than me, he is still a pet of my life, even if he is not my exact brother. I spent months paying my own bills, painting the house that I bought and settling things in near the city. J was out doing a seasonal business spree as he told me to try and focus things on myself, and not towards him. When Andrew had arrived, we spent brother sister time as to enjoy the snowflakes falling from the sky, snow piling up and making snowman's for a traditional thing. Each night, he'd always tell me the things that happened at school, like weight training, football, and all the wonderful grades he got for once. It had been years since I've seen his smile and seen him happy like he was when he was even smaller.
"Have you learned anything about the universe, like how many galaxies and dimensions we have in GeoScience?" He asked one night, holding his cup of cocoa while the moonlight dimmed through the windows. My smile grew wide, as I turned to face him, getting comfortable as much as possible. "Well Andrew, I have. Our galaxies are near our sister galaxy, and we have a serious of millions of galaxies out there, surrounding us. We also have 11 dimensions, but someone else said that we have 9, but 11 at it's most." My voice trailed off a bit, but Andrew leaned in and grew interest in the learning I was given.
Andrew was the type of teen that loved life, trying to make it as fun and free. He saved people, didn't cause harm because he knew violence wasn't the answer unless it was in a close range of family. He kept his grades up, stayed up late if he had to do so, made many wonderful friends and is soon to start a career. He was a positive man, and never let his soul drop down. He was always happy, friendly, and he is the main brother I would ever wished for, because he was different, he was never like Axel, Andrew had mad respect.

It was a week before winter break was officially starting, Andrew stayed back at home to accompany the family kitten, Collin. Brad had walked to my locker where I had told him to meet me, but I wasn't there. Brad was one of my guy friends, one who supported me through life, and my choices, which he decided that he loved Joker, and what he did for a living. He searched everywhere for me, but Brad was in no luck, he called Andrew to come with him but neither of them couldn't find a trace of me. "W-where could she be?" Andrew stuttered terrifyingly, nearly up into tears. Brad couldn't help but think deeply, he was trying to prevent Andrew to take things far and burst down into a breakdown. 'Devin, Devin must've stole her.' He thought immediately. Devin was my ex, one who only wanted sex everyday, and acted over protective each time. Didn't let me go out and see not hang out with my besties, he abused me like the way Axel did, it was daily.
    Brad had taken Andrew with him and drove around Devin's parking area or neighborhood. "Care to explain, on the plan?" Andrew's face fearfully propped his eyes to look at Brad, waiting for a response. "Alright, we have to be careful, if we break into where they're near us, we can get caught and get beaten up. But, if we break in to somewhere that is far, they won't be able to hear us coming, you feel?" Brad spoke in a low-toned voice and kept a serious face on to hide his panic as Andrew nodded quietly in agreement and looked back at Devin's house. Carefully, the two lads had walked to the house, their pace was slow but it would come in handy. Brad, had swung his fist into a window right when my bloody screams filled the air and I couldn't help but squirm and scream multiple times, in hopes for someone to just try and help me out.
   "SYLVIA??!" Brad called out as he jumped through the broken window, his body tumbling along the broken glass that was scattered across the floor; he got up immediately and had sprinted through the house until my sight had finally caught a hold of him. As Brad darted for me, Devin had growled fiercely and used a bunch of force to take his body down and punch him repeatedly to see if he felt pain; once in awhile, Devin would slow down his punches to look aside to see if any pain was being shown. "Just, give, up, ALRIGHT!" Devin had spoke in-between hits, trying to show that I was probably 'his' even though I belong to the Joker.
  "Leave my sister alone!" Andrew's little baby voice echoed through the room as he ran towards the fight and tackled down Devin and had tried his best to distract him from attacking either me or Brad. Brad had quickly stood up to his feet and ran to go get a phone to call the police, searching for a phone in sight or just a device in general to proceed the call. "Oh, how cute, a little boy trying to help his sister out, well that shit don't work anyway." His voice grew deeper as he had flipped my brother down onto the floor and kicked him into his stomach, making me yell out in order to stop, but I knew that wouldn't work. My brother, had laid on the floor, catching his breath and got up as quiet as he could since Devin had devilishly turned around to look at me and make sure I didn't get up to join along. I watched Andrew as he was about to throw a punch at Devin, but before he could, Devin had a strong sense and punched Andrew in the throat. He grabbed his throat and started coughing and gasping for air, as I watched him fall to the floor continuing to cough. I quickly crawled over to Andrew, but he was barely even making a move. "Andrew? Andrew!" I called out and shook him, tears were stinging my eyes, fear took over my body. All I could remember was that you couldn't punch someone in the throats unless it was a life or death situation, but I prayed that it wouldn't happen to Andrew because now he wasn't even responding. "Brad!" I called out as his body appeared up and his face was filled with horror. "Call 911, Andrew is dying or something inside!!" My voice was shaky as Brad and fumbled and dialed the number, waiting for minutes for them to show up; taking Devin to prison and Andrew immediately to the hospital. I can't lose Andrew, he's the only one I have left.
   After explaining to the cops on what had happened between us all, we had followed the ambulance, waiting almost all day. The cops had gotten to us three hours past noon, and it was now almost a little past seven. Nurses had taken care of Brad, and bandaged his head and sprained wrist up, and nothing much for me because I didn't take much damage than these two tough men. "You didn't have to help me." Brad spoke and I playfully rolled my eyes. "Yes I did, they would've punched you to death." I spoke and rested my head against Brad's shoulder, but my smile faded when I thought of Andrew and how he had coughed up all that blood, only making me have tears stream down my cheeks. "It's going to be fine." Brad had spoke in attempt to try and comfort me, but I didn't want too much comfort, I just was desperate to see if Andrew was okay, why can't I even see him?

     Brad had woken me up the morning, and when I lifted up my head, all I saw was the doctor. "So, how is he doing?" Brad had asked, and the doctor looked down a bit. "These things are never easy to say, but Andrew died last night but we wanted to make sure he was dead. We checked up on him this morning, still no heart beat." The doctor spoke and my head turned to the floor, Brad stayed still in shock. "How did he die?" Brad had asked the doctor. "Well, when he got punched into the throat, Andrew's trachea had collapsed. If he had gotten to the hospital earlier, we would've been able to save him in time, though he would've lost his voice." A moment of silence grew upon us all. "I wish you the best, it was nice meeting you all." He said and turned his back and left. "You okay?" Brad's voice cracked, as he sent something and looked back at me. "Please tell me this is a joke of a dream, I'll take either one, I-I just can't lose Andrew." I stuttered a bit and Brad had pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back. A few minutes later, he pulled away and had to leave, leaving me in a cold, empty room. J had rushed in and found me dropping to my knee's as he rushed over and pulled me close to his body. I was glad to see him. I didn't feel like fighting back, so I ended wrapping around him and cried in the crook of his neck, and it seemed like he was silently crying too. "W-why are you crying?" I asked J and he looked down at me. "Because someone just died. I may not have known Andrew, but I would never wish for him to die. He was your little brother, the only one you had left." His voice was shaky and I could tell He was trying to suck it up and try to show that he didn't have emotion, but it failed. We sat there for a while before J had picked me up and walked out of the hospital and to his car. We spent the whole night together, having him try to distract me and forget all what had happened.

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