•Chapter 8•

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It was midnight, I had gone out and into the city alone. Lately, my mind was triggered in a serious way, almost turning a bit insane when I had shot a big, bulky dude in the head, the body collapsing onto the floor. J spent days looking for me when he noticed that I barely picked up the phone and took one of his guns from his 'toy room.' I'll admit, I've been going on a mad killing spree, piercing knives into people's skin, slitting throats open, and putting a bullet through their head. By now, deep down inside, both me and J knew it was too much and needed to be stopped. But, it's like I couldn't control on my actions and feelings~ it was just an endless path. Blood laid across my hoodie, as I twirled the knife in my hand, practicing the loops and all.
"Sylvia, put the knife down please. I don't want you to get hurt." My head turned and found a Joker, slowly approaching. "No." My voice was a bit firm, the look on his face was like a mix of anger, worried, and betrayal. "Why would you do this, this is too much. You've murdered at least 23 people. You didn't pick up your phone, you took a gun and left without telling me, you've could've gotten yourself killed." J spoke, still taking a few steps forward.
   "J..." I spoke, with a dark voice, mocking his words. "I'm just gonna hurt ya, really, really bad." His head tilted in confusion before a small blade had stabbed him in the left thigh, it wasn't fully big enough to make him die of blood loss, but it was small enough to bring him down to his knee's in pain. "I'm sorry, J." I spoke and took off running into the night, leaving him there.

   Weeks past, I had  spent long days in the hospital, recovering of my injuries from that night, most of them fought hard to keep me down, and for me to stop being in an insane person, because 87% of me, wasn't the insanity, I was more like a person who was willing to become successful. No matter how many times I apologized to J, he never responded back to my texts, nor answered my calls. When I had gotten out of the hospital, I was walking down the sidewalk, I had seen J in the distance with another girl, his personal trainer. It didn't feel the same, I felt guilt, and I knew I had lost his trust. I walked towards the coffee cafe, his stare beamed through my skin, and I refused to look up and at him, refusing to know that I knew he was there. My bruised and bandaged arms pushed the door open, greeting my face with a cold breeze blowing at me, taking a step in to go and look what I wanted before ordering. I waited patiently, crossing my arms to wait before I can sit down and take a sip of the beverage and work on unfinished work. 'One latte for~ Sylvia?' The worker had called out as I went and grabbed the cup and took a spot next to the window, setting the beverage down as I reached out and into my bag, my workbook from school. 'Hold on, I'll be right back.' I heard a voice faded in the distance, my focus was on the half written page, as I went back to back and filled in missing information. It didn't help, with the fact that my eyes were bruised, my lip had a partial deep cut upon it, cuts and bruises laid all over my skin, all I felt was empty and pain. The door pushed open, and a strong scent of cologne filled the whole air, hearing the steps of someone slowly approaching around my area. A hand had pressed against my arm, causing me to flinch a bit and drop my pencil. I turned my head a bit, seeing a bandage wrapped around a thigh, and instantly the memories came back, knowing who it was. I trembled in fear, and also remained still, my skin was ice cold, and I barely spoke. 'Sylvia'. The voice was like a small blur. 'Sylvia, respond please. Cmon~' He was shaking my arm lightly to get my attention, but I barely moved a bit.
  "It's okay she's with me!" J called out as he closed my book and nicely put everything in my bag, tossing my body over his shoulders and grabbed my latte and headed out the door. I gasped breathlessly, my vision snapped clear again and the first thing I saw was his green hair. "J! Put me down! Please, it's not worth taking me with you~ I've done enough harm around you, please!" I begged, squirming over him. "Sylvia, calm the fuck down. You're fine, even though I'm confused, and a little hurt of your actions, we all been through that process on insanity, calm down." He spoke simply, continuing to drag me before showing up at his house. The guards hard opened the door, keeping a brief eye on me as J stepped in and darted up the stairs, and into his room. He gently put my bag on the side, the latte on his drawer and me on the bed. "J, I'm sorry. I don't know what happened I~" I was cut off by his finger on my lips in signal of to just shut up, I remained silent, looking down, unsure what to do anymore. "You're going to have to be punished." He spoke, and I gave a simple nod. His figured slowly moved around, and pinned my wrists behind me, giving a slight tug at it, making me grunt a bit. "E-easy there, Joker." I spoke, he was aware of my injuries. He forced me to stand, still gripping a hold onto my wrists, feeling his body rub up against my back in a soothing, intense way, making me shiver.
"Each time you're bad, you'll receive this from me." J's voice was dark, his head laid in between, hot air brushing against my skin, before J had bit into my neck, nibbling lightly. "A-ah J! N-Ngh~" My neck arched a bit, before throwing my head back and had it rest against him. His hand had removed from my wrists, as my hand fell and its feeling was spaghetti. His fingers trailed down my face, down to my waist, stroking lightly, as he continued, marking my neck up a bit. A small moan, had escaped my mouth, feeling a smirk creak upon him and against my skin, before he moved in front of me, and laid me down onto the mattress, him hovering above my body and slightly brushed the hair out of my face. He leaned down, and pressed his lips against mines, pushing a bit rough. His hands rubbed against my shoulders, the wetness from his tongue ran along my lips before he had went down and tugged on my bottom lip, groaning out, as my arms wrapped around body, pulling him down. His voice was rough and raspy, bringing attraction in my view to another level, and his eyes were dark with hunger. J had rubbed himself against me for pleasure, enjoying every moment and actions he had put into. Minutes later, my clothes were off of my body and was tossed aside, my fingers trailed along his tattoos, and down to center of his abs. I bit down on the piece of cloth J had given me to prevent myself on screaming too hard, he didn't want his guards to know that serious things are happening up in his room. Roughly, he pinned my wrists above my head, his member had lightly rubbed my sensitive area, squirming a bit before feeling it go in me. He pushed slow but deep, he watched me and for my expressions, where I had let out soft faded moans onto the cloth. Each thrust he did, I felt his pace pick of faster, and harder. Each time he did, my hands clenched tightly, my back arched, and felt like screaming out his name. My legs tightened up a bit, my body pushed against him and felt myself inching forward to climaxing. J pulled out, before I had a chance to let go. He kissed down my stomach, and pressed a small, easy light kiss on the inner thigh, making me slightly twitch a bit. His head inched forward and I could feel his tongue swirl against me, dropping the cloth out of my mouth, he demanded me to let go whenever I felt like it. His tongue flickered up and down, pressing it hard against me as I let go, bucking up and groaned quietly. He licked up the liquids that came out of me before he whiled his mouth and laid beside me. Pushing the sheets over and his arms wrapped against me. My head turned as I hid my face into his neck and smiled lightly. 'I love you.' His words were soft and sweet. 'I trust you, I love you too much to let you go, I'm not gonna let you alone into the world, never. But there's one more thing.' J spoke, as he put two fingers in his mouth and whistled.
Out came a baby golden retriever puppy as he patted onto the bed. The little pupper plopped into the bed and excited wagged it's tail before the animal had laid down in between me and J. His soft fur brushed against the both of our chest, and my fingers ran down its back. "This is Maxwell. Our new pet." He smiled softly. Maxwell's eyes fell dreamily as it snored quietly, his head between its paws, J soon fell asleep, after watching the puppy. I silently stroked his face with my finger before I cuddled up and closed my eyes and rested peacefully.

**A/N: sorry for a long wait. This is the last day of Summer for me, and I spent it with two of my cousins at a party at my house. And I decided to make this chapter a bit long, but enjoy! I must go rest up and wake up to pack for school tomorrow. 😈**

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