•Chapter 3•

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The day I had met the Joker, I had explained to him that it would take me awhile to pack, and finish school for the year and all. Surprisingly, he understood and told me to take my time. On that very day, I had given him my spare key to open up the front door to the house, which I was now living alone since Axel is no longer existing in my sight.

It was around a Wednesday night, I had spent half of the day at school, usually getting picked on, not enjoying the cold meals they had served us, and boring lessons with teachers who had a lack of skill. The other half, was spent on packing. Filled boxes, empty boxes laid around the house, some were a bit full, while others were still waiting to be put in, but I was tired enough to continue. The only thing that I didn't pack was my school stuff, and objects I was still using. Quietly, I yawned tiredly, droops were slowly forming under my eyes, and it soon to become heavy, and needed sleep now. Our power around the neighborhood blew out badly, since a few of the power towers collapsed down, maybe over 5 of them. My phone was dead, the alarm clock was messed up, and a few other things died out. I had glow sticks, floating around the bathtub to light up at least that part, and a few others floating down in the kitchen sink, to provide 'useful' light for the night.
Into 15 minutes of a peaceful sleep, I heard the front door unlock and open, having me wake up and be alarmed. I had grabbed something to toss at as my figure moved close to the stairs, seeing a figure standing in the doorway. I had made a quick reaction and threw the object at the person.
"Ah~ ow! C'mon Sylvia, that wasn't very polite to the clown, was it now?" The familiar voice spoke throughout the dark room, until I finally realized it was the Joker, completely forgetting that I gave him a spare key.
"Oh shit! I'm sorry, Mr.J! I couldn't see you!" I ran down the stairs and ran over to him, his head partially bleeding. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!!!" "Nah, it's okay, it was my fault for standing there like a lost idiot." The Joker spoke out as his head turned back to look at his Vaydor, parked in the driveway, with guards protecting the outwards area of the shelter.
"I really am sorry, I'll help you clean up." I stood up as he grabbed my arms for support, pulling him up as I carefully guided him upstairs to the bathroom in my room. Mr.J had sat on the counter as I pulled out a glow stick from the water, handing it to him as he held it up to have the glow shine down on his face. I searched through the cabinets and pulled out a first aid kit, unlatching it and plopped the lid off to the side and grabbed a piece of cotton and rubbing alcohol. I had turned back to face him and gently dabbed it on the open cut, his blue eyes focused onto my chest, as he remained calm.
"So~" I paused, still fixing up the cut, as I placed a bandage on it. "What are you doing here? I thought you were asleep~!" I asked him, he finally put attention upon me.
"I heard about the power outage, so I thought I would come on by and see if you were safe, a beautiful person like you should be checked up on at this situation." His voice was low, the words had made an invisible blush across my face. "How sweet of you~" I responded to him.
This time, he was wearing dark pants, and a white button up. "Do you, think you can spend the night here? I...I don't wanna be alone." I murmured questionably. A smile grew on his face, seeing his silver teeth. "Of course I can, anything for you." He spoke charmingly. "Mind if I sleep with you, on the bed?" Mr.J asked. "I don't mind at all, feel free to get comfortable!"
Both of our figures moved to the bad, as I took over the left side, as he took the other side. I climbed into the sheets and got as comfortable as possible, before passing out. It didn't help that the sound of thunder came in unexpectedly, it was like war had begun just outside of our house, and it startled me. My eyes fluttered open in panic, my head turning to look at the Joker. His green hair was a bit all over, his eyes were closed and he slept like a log, so still. Another sound of thunder came through, as I found myself snuggled up upon his body, my arms wrapped around his stomach for safety. Even though I was 18, I still tend to act like a little kid.
His eyes opened once he noticed that I was all over him, shaking in fear. He had quietly stroked my arm in a soothing, gentle way that only that stroke can make me feel safe around him.
"P-please protect me from the sound of thunder." My voice was shaky.
"Don't worry, child. I'll protect you." He spoke in a tired, raspy voice as his eyes closed back again, holding me till I had called asleep. He was probably the nicest friend I had ever met in my life, and I appreciate him and his badass side he usually tells me about.

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