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Author Pov.

A little after De'Andre left for work Chloe's mom came walking into the house. The phone call she had with her dad was all she could think of for the past week. Everything from her childhood was coming back to her. The dark days that she tried her best to erase from her mind was slowly coming back. She hated thinking about the life she had before this. Everything they went through as a family was a really touchy subject and she hated when people would speak to her about it.

When De'Andre came over she was glad he did. She loved seeing how much he cared about her and how he really wanted to help her. It made her feel some type of way but she couldn't really put her finger on it.

Chloe watched as her mom put away the groceries she bought. She didn't say a word though, she was way to deep in her thoughts to notice her mom talking to her. "Chloe!" He mom said a little loud to snap her out of her thoughts.

Chloe shook her head and blinked a few time. "Yes yes. What?" She asked. Her mom chuckled and shook her head. "Are you okay ? I was telling you about the old man who tried to hit on me at the grocery store but you seem completely in an other world" she said placing the onions in the basket and shifting it to the edge of the counter.

There was no doubt in her mind that her mother was a really attractive woman. She had the pretty face and the nice body. You'll never guess she has kids. But if only people new the obstacles she faced to have such a vibrant smile . "Oh I'm sorry. I just have a lot on my mind right now" she sighed.

Her mom frowned and furrowed her eyebrows "a lot on your mind? Honey is there something wrong?" She asked.  Chloe hesitated. She wasn't sure if she should tell her mom about the phone call  she had with her dad. But she decided it would be best if she told her  so maybe she could get some answers in regards to why he father was really in jail.

"Mom I have something to ask you and I want you to tell me the truth" Chloe said lowly. He mom faced her an braced herself for what was going to be said.

"Why is dad in jail? What did he do?" Chloe asked calmly. Just when she said that Gem walked into the kitchen. No one even heard her coming into the house. "Yeah, I know it had something to with drugs. But every time we asked you. You always have vague answers or waved us off" Gem butted in before her mom could answer.

"You're dad?" Their mother chuckled "why are you guys asking me this? Where is this coming from?" She asked continued. "The other day..H-he called" Chloe answered. The minute she said that her mom's body tensed up. The twins exchanged a look because they both saw the reaction their mom had.

"He called? He called to say what?!" She said almost not believing that her ex-husband had even picked up the phone after so many years to call. "To say he loves and misses us. And that he'll be out soon." Chloe answers growing a little frustrated that her mom was completely dodging the question they asked.

"How long ago was this?" Her mom asked again. "Like a week ago" Gem said sitting down next to Chloe preparing herself for this conversation they have completely ignored for many years. "You knew this for a whole week and at you didn't say anything!!" He mom shouted. "Don't try to change the subject! Why is he in jail! And we want the truth" Gem said catching an attitude at the fact that their mom was still ignoring the question and trying to yell at the at the same time.

Her mom toke a deep breath and sat down at the table.

"When you guys where little a few weeks before I official got addicted to drugs, your father was this big time drug dealer. I'm talking huge. He was bringing in a lot of money but never used it towards us...he just store it in a safe and never toke it out. He said it was only to use for emergency purposes only. " my mom started. 

I looked over at Gem who had the same confused expression as me on her face. "A drug dealer? What type of lifestyle is that? Didn't he know he had kids to look after?" Gem asked.

"Yeah, well he was wanted in many cities. The cops looked for him day after day. He was all over the news. They said who ever found him would get 10,000$ cash."

I leaned in closer as Gem did the same. This story was interesting but I don't get what that has to do with why he is in jail now. "Mom if you knew hat was the kind of life he was living why didn't you try to make him stop?" I asked. She rubbed her temples and sighed.

"You don't think I tried Chloe?!" She shouted slamming her hands on the table. I was taken back from her tone which made me lean back into my seat. "Your father was hard headed. All he saw was the drugs and the money it was bringing in. He was able to manipulate me and get me into that lifestyle. He got me hooked on it and I became addicted." She said with pure rage in the tone of her voice.

"So it was a hot summer night. We dropped you off at your grandmas because we needed to make drop somewhere in Atlanta. We were high and drunk in our way there and we were driving all types of crazy. We saw blue sirens and we knew it was over. They toke us to jail we had court dates after court dates. I got a shorter sentence because he was armed and it was his car and he was the driver. And your grandma bailed me out and left him in there." She finished.

I sat there speechless..not knowing what to say. I mean what was I supposed to say? My dad was a drug dealer and because of his selfish ways he got my mom into it to and that was practically the downfall of my childhood. After the social worker took us away from her we never saw her again for another couple years.

"What type of bullshit ass story?!" Gem yelled. My mom looked at her with shock written all over her face. "Excuse me?" My mom asked.

"You heard me! What type of selfish act was that?!! How could you do that to us!" She yelled as she slammed her hands on the table and standing up. Making me and my mother do the same. I put my hand on Gems chest to back her up a bit but she only brushed me off.

"I will not let you disrespect me in my house like that!" My mom said a little loud.
Gem scoffed and flipped her hair behind her shoulders. "disrespect?" She laughed a little.   clearly fed up with this whole situation.

"Disrespect is not being able to provide for your kids when needed to. Disrespect is is becoming a drug addict when you Have kids. Yeah dad lived a horrible life style. But you aren't 4 years old. You know right from wrong! Disrespect is you doing the same crime as dad but grandma only paying for your half of the bullshit and letting him rot in jail! Disrespect is having a social worker walk into our house and take us away and leaving me to think what I did wrong for you to chose drugs over me! That's fucking disrespect!" Gem shouted.

My mom looked at her with black eyes. Her eyes were full of anger and shock at the same time. Even I couldn't believe Gem spoke to our mom like that. "You don't even know what the hell I went trough! The ends I had to meet just to get your food or clothes!" My mom yelled.

"I don't give a fuck what the hell you've been through because you have no right being here and telling us this story and feeling sorry for yourself at the same time!You  and dad are both psychotic ass crackheads! I hate you both!-" my mom Interrupted her sentence by giving her slap across the face.

She never hit us, ever. So I know that when she did now it was out of hate and anger. Gem put her hand I top of the spot my mom slapped her with tears streaming down her face. "I will not condone such ignorance in my house! Get out! Get the fuck out"
My mom screamed.

Gem turned around sharply and headed to the door. She grabbed her phone and put her slippers on. She opened the door and s  stepped out the house.

"I hate you!" She slammed the door making the vase that was sitting on the table next to her fall to the ground.




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