Dive Into The Mist

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A world filled with white
Once more In the dense fog
"You're awake" the black wyvern rumbles.
"I lost" my hands ball into fists
"You're weak" the dragonoid snorts a flame.

Brandishing the crescent gold horn on its snout,
"Yes" it pains me to admit it.
"My name is Shurkan"
"Shurkan..I need more power."

Shurkan looked to say something but a voice drowns his out.
"If that's what you desire then your asking the wrong one."
A crimson serpentine dragon, wide red wings, black underscales along its belly.
"You are?" I ask "Lillybel" the dragon's voice soft, feminine.

Such deadly beauty, "will you give me power?"
Lillybell's deep blue eyes glow "of course for I am you"
"Lillybeeeel!" Shurkan roars, ruby eyes burning with rage.
Lillybel coils around the winged dragonoid.

"Be at peace Shurkan, he is ours"
Lillybel then rests her head at my back.
"Haru flesh of my flesh, take my flame"
She proceeds to breathe on me, the softest of breaths.

My body tingling all over, every nerve ending on ablaze
"Power.." I whisper
Lillybel smiles, revealing deathly rows of teeth, "burn them all to ash."

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