Chapter 2

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Ryder's P.O.V

"Sure." said the super cute girl I saw through the window earlier, as she moved her bag from the empty spot next to her.

I sat down and tried to get comfortable, but struggled since I am like the fucking Green Giant among all these dwarf sized seats. After getting settled, I couldn't help but glance over at the girl next to me.

She was beautiful; her soft, rosy colored lips stood out among her porcelain skin. The way her blue-greyish eyes hid a story behind them which made want to figure it out really badly.

A strand of her highlighted-russet corkscrew hair fell to her face. I desperately tried to hold back the urge to tuck it behind her ears and then lean in for a kiss..... wait what am I saying?!

I didn't even realize that I started staring at her until she finally looked my way.

"Hey." I said trying to act cool and to hide the fact that I was staring at her like she was a piece of meat.

"Hi." she said taking out her headphones and wrapping the cord around her iPod. "Do you go to this school? I've never seen you around here before."

She stuffed the iPod in her bag on her lap.

"Oh umm...yea I am just starting today actually."

"Oh. What grade?"

"Senior." I said as her face instantly beamed.

"Really?! Wow that's great! So you and I will be seeing each other a lot then!" she squealed as she placed a hand on top of mine.

I could feel my cheeks heating up with just her touch.

Whats happening?

Why am i blushing?

Man are her hands ever so soft and dainty.

"Hey?" she said removing her hand. I guess I drifted off in thought again.

I looked up at her and she then placed her hand on my forehead.

"Do you have a fever because if you do I don't want to catch it specially on the first day of school?" she questioned with an adorable fake pouty face as she kept replacing her hands across my forehead.

"Oh no it's-it's just a little hot in here that's all." I lie while trying to avoid eye contact with her.

"Oh ok. By the way my name is Francis. Francis Parker." she stated holding out a hand between the two of us.

"Yea, nice to meet you. I'm Ryder Andrews." I said taking her hand into mine.

We then spent the whole 30 minute ride to school talking about ourselves and future colleges we want to apply to.

"Well here it is, the one and only, South Beach High" said Francis as she peered out the window.

I could tell she really likes this school and I think I will too.

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