Chapter 13

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Harry P.O.V

As I walked down the small hallway, heading to the reception desk to get a pass for being late to 2nd period, Principal Stinson came out of her office.

"Harry!" she yelled out as I was praying she wouldn't have found me." I need to discuss some issues that recently happened, if you know where I'm getting at?"

"Yea. What about it?"

"Well can we make a pact." I stare at her, as she assumes I'm listening. "I would like you to promise not to press charges on Burt."

"Who the hell is Burt?"

"The security guard, Harry." she blankly tells me.


"So will you press charges?"


"Really?" she asks surprised since I didn't fight back or truly think over my decision.

"Yea." I tell her exasperatedly. Can she not jut accept it and be on with her day?

"Well great. In return I won't place you in detention for starting the fight with the boys, okay?"


I wouldn't mind being in detention, you get to miss study hall, not to mention, and hour of sleep.


"Well I'm leaving." I walk away from her, with my boots clunking the floor with each step.

"Harry, Thank you again!" She shouts behind me, then hear the sound her slamming her office door, as I walk out of the office hallway.

I grab my pass from the receptionist and grumble all the way to my 4th period class.


It's been a week since Francis and I broke up. I haven't been taking it so well. The teachers always yell at me for daydreaming about her, and my friends, who were a mix of the "behind the stairwell" kids and the "no-shows", don't hang out with me, because they think i have become soft and shit. But it wasn't like I ever hanged out with them before anyway, it was just to pass the time.

Right now were in P.E with Kim, who is making everyone play a round of scrimmage basketball. I try to hide behind the bleachers, but she spots me right away and makes me the team captain.

"Hell no."

"Yes. Your the Captain. Who wants to be the second captain?"

"Ryder?" asks Kim with a huge grin on her tanned face.

"Oh uh nay, coach. You should pick someone who has a fair chance against Harry." he tells the group, even though he was staring at me the while time.

They snicker and stare at me behind their hands, knowing full well that I hate sports.

"Your right Ryder. Clayton!" Kim yells out, as everyone falls dead silent.

We hear a tiny squeak like nose, then a small kid pushes past the others to get to the front. He sneezes, showing off his mouth full of metal train tracks and rubber bands. His pimpled face looks up at me, grinning evilly.

What the Fuck!?

"Ah hell no! I don't believe in child abuse like you Kim, so I'm not going against this tree stump." I tell her, dead serious. I mean with just a tap on his shoulders, it looks like he'd bleed or worse, die!

"Styles don't judge a book by its cover." Giggling comes from the girls and I am graced to see gorgeous crystal blue eyes staring back at me.

"Ok! Pick your people!" I look over everyone.

"Jackson." I call out as a big buff dude comes forward. He's a total athletic freak considering he's in track, soccer, football, and swim club.

"Fra-Francis!" Clayton screams out as his face goes red.

Fran steps forward in her loose fitting basketball shorts and her white tank top that hugs her frame in all the right places.


I watch along with Clayton as she approaches us.

Wait what?

I force my eyes to look at Clayton, who is eyeing Francis's breast, since she chose to not only wear a tank top, but to wear a sports bra that pushes up her boobs. He watches as they bounce up and down as she jogs over to his side.

That twerp is going to get it later.

When we finish picking out our team, the last people where Ryder and Kelly. It was Clayton's turn to pick, and he chose Kelly. I looked over at his team noticing a pattern; his team was made up of all the girls.

Little fucker!

Ryder walked on over to my side without my content to do so.

"Well guess I'm with you Styles." he tells me like he's the one who has to suffer.

The guys behind me high five him as he stands next to Jackson.

"Okay now that we each have teams of ten, pick your first five players to come up, and that includes the captains!" Kim tells us as she walks over to the bleachers, waiting for us to finish discussing our plans.

"Harry. Who's first string?" Asks some kid named Henry.


"Who's playing first is what he meant." chips in Ryder.

"I don't know. You guys fucking decide." I pout as I'm clueless to what the hell they mean.

"Okay how about this. Jackson, Henry, Charles, Harry, and I will play the first and fourth quarter, while the rest play the second and third." Ryder explains to the group, as they all nod in approval with his execution.

"Ryder play number 1. Harry and Henry will be number 2 & 3 and Charles and I will play 4 &5 ." Jackson states just as coach blows her whistle, for us to starry playing.

I look at who is all playing first on the other team, which was Clayton, Kelly, Sarah, Marley, and Francis. Fran stood in front of me, smiling.

"Harry. What position do you have?"


"I'm a 2, you?" she asks me again expecting an answer. I had no idea what Ryder and Jackson were talking about when they explained our positions, but I do remember hearing a two or some shit.

"Yea I think I'm that too." I tell her flipping my hair to the side, just for it to fall back in its original place.

"Everyone get in your positions!" yelled Kim as she paced back and forth on the sidelines.

My team lined up with Fran's team as we prepared for the whistle to blow.

This is going to be one hell of a game.

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