Chapter 12

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Francis P.O.V

"Uhg!" I grunted out as I walked into my Advanced English course.

Everyone turned their heads to see me walk in with half my face poorly covered with my hand, kind of revealing my now conspicuous bruise. I finally felt the pain of hitting the porcelain tub face first, which hurt like crazy!

Harry was right, I was going to get a god damn bruise.

I passed by the teacher's desk not making eye contact with the teacher as I tip-toed to a desk in the back. Once seated, I peer up over my bag sitting on the table top.

"So nice of you to try and make it to your second day of class Ms......" the teacher looks down at her attendance list, "Ms. Parker." she sweetly fakes a smile, then turns back to the smart board.

I send a fake smile to her way, and once she turned back to the board, I hold up my middle finger to the back of her perfectly straightened black hair. She must be teacher that the senior boys rumored about; the hot, feisty, English teacher who's best known to put you on the spot.

"Hey....Hey Francis?!" I snap out of my daze , to hear someone whispering my name.

"Francis?!" I look up to see Sienna from three rows down in the fifth seat, calling my name.

I make a small unsure wave to her, which made her beam, and sends one right back.

It's kind if surprising that she in this class, considering she's the epitome of a stereotypical blonde; beautiful, conceited, and a dumb fuck.

She then starts to mouth something my way.

" What. Happened. To. Your. Face."

"What?!" I yell out, not even caring that the teacher was currently talking to the class.

I'm just no good with reading lips.

Sienna quickly turned to face the front of the class, while everyone stared at me again.

"Parker, Parker, Parker. Ms. Francis Parker, is it?" the teacher asks as she goes around her desk, and starts walking in my direction.

I don't respond to her question, but she keeps going anyways.

"Can you and Ms. Marks please stop talking about insignificant things that won't better your lives? I mean, do you really want to risk not getting your high school diploma just, because you couldn't shut your big fanny of a mouth? " she asked me in a sickly sweet tone.

"No." I grit out, on the verge of pimp slapping her across the room.

"Great. Now lets get back our lesson: how to easily write a thesis statement, since most of you didn't learn this in 8th grade"

I sat there for a good twenty minutes, listening to her wail on and on about using certain literary devices as a hook for your essay, before I couldn't take it any longer.

"Hey tech?!"she turned around from the smart board. "Can I get an ice pack, my bruise hurts!" I yelled out as I raised my hand.

"Yes, but next time don't raise your hand, and yell out to me. Oh and I have a name."

" So I can go right?" I asked as I started heading to the door.

"Once you call me by my rightful name" she tells me as she turned back to the smart board, continuing her lesson.

I look at the white board behind the smart board and read "Mrs. Green" in blue expo.

"Mrs. Green can I please go?" I asked her

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