Chapter 17

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Francis P.O.V

"Thanks for inviting me again. I apologize for the actions of Harry and I."

I hug Mrs. Weasel one last time as I apologize for the tenth time since Harry left. After Harry stormed out the room and I heard his car pull out, I lied to Clayton's parents for his out burst, saying Harry was just sad about his dog dying.

I didn't mention that he really hates dogs.

Clayton stayed quiet after we got caught kissing, and is now still in his room. He didn't even give me a smart ass look or shocked one either.

"It's fine sweet heart, next time you should just bring your family over" Mrs. Weasel answers, hiding her hate of Harry with a sickly sweet smile.

"Ok I will" I smile in response.

I'm never coming back here.

They wave goodbye and shut the front door, leaving me standing on their porch.

I have no ride.

"Shit!" I whisper out in the quite neighborhood.

I pull out my phone from my bra, since my tights don't come with pockets, plus I didn't bring a jacket, and search through my contacts.

"Kelly? No, lives to far." I click my next contact.

"Jenna? Sleeping with Jason most likely."

"Austin? Probably with Sienna at a party, so not those two either."

"Marley? No." I continue my search and pass Harry's number, luring me to hit the call button. I then find a contact I haven't seen in a while. I press the call button.

It rings a couple of times then the line picks up.

"Hello?" Says a sleepy voice.

It's only ten, why's he tired?

"Hey Louis, can you come get me?"

Harry P.O.V

"God damn!" I continue driving away from that ass's house.

Why was she kissing him? He's shit just a little shit, yet why do I feel like I am the shit instead? I can't believe I said she was a whore...... I- I didn't mean to say that.


She deserved it, with how she thinks I'd just allow her to kiss whoever the fuck she wants and make a pussy out of me in front of that guy?She's my girlfriend not your's Clayton- shit!

I need to cool off. I have to stop seeing her. I need to leave.

I pull onto Biscayne and head west to I95, ready to get the hell out of Miami. I'll just tell Dee I left for a trip. She won't care too much that I'm gone; less to cook and clean.

My phone buzzes with a new message in my pant pocket. I pull it out and click the message.

Niall- Harry where are you? We just had a party at Louis's frat house, you should have been there! I'm having an after party, you in?

Like usual, they're having a fucking party. Do we ever get tired of this?

Harry-I can't. I'm going out of town.

I set the phone down, but it quickly buzzes with another message.

Niall- Why you leaving?

I pick the phone to answer back, as I stop at an intersection.

Harry- Just need to get away.

Niall- Would you be willing to invite a certain funny, blonde, Irish along?

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