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Someone had bumped into the basketballs, scattering them everywhere.

Jayson frowned down on the court. The members of the council were wrapping things up. Jayson stayed behind to catch Michi alone and talk to her. Until some drunk fell over the basketballs.

“Keal?” Michi stared at Keal in disbelief. He was drunk with Drake last night. God, is he still tipsy?

“Um.. sorry?” He smiled sheepishly. “Look, Michi, can I talk to you for a bit?”

Jayson’s radar kicked in. Even from all the way up the bleachers, his senses kicked. 

Michi looked around. They were almost done anyway. She could probably leave early, talk to Keal and get home to rest.

“Sure, let me just get my things.”

Jayson watched Michi and Keal. He silently climbed down the bleachers as Michi was packing up. The pair moved to the back of the gym, Jayson silently followed after. He hid behind a few punching bags stacked up on one corner. Jayson caught himself. What am I doing?

He shook his head in disbelief. He’s actually stalking someone. Well, it’s not just someone anymore. He caught himself again. Wait. What - 

He turned to leave before he would confuse himself more until Michi let out a disgusted scoff.

“Keal. What is this?”

Her voice was as cold as Arctic and it made Jayson freeze where he stood.

“Listen. Please, Mitch?” Keal begged, his voice pleading.

There was silence. It was so quiet Jayson could hear them breathing.

“This is enough. It’s not going to work.”

Jayson felt his blood run cold. That voice. Kniles.

Why would Keal bring the two of them together? Doesn’t he know what Drake does to her? Why?

Jayson heard wood breaking. He was one step away from stepping out and pulling Michi away when Keal spoke.

“I could be a real ass considering I’m pissed, confused, and effin hungover so let me just summarize this whole shit – ”

“You’re right, you’re still hungover.” Drake cut in suddenly, his voice changed. It was like he was panicking. Like he’s scared. Of what?

“What are you talking about?” Michi sounded confused. Panic also rising up her throat.

“Keal.” Drake’s voice warned. “This is too soon.”

“Screw you. You know you could have ended all this well but you decided to be a little bitch and ruin everything for the two of you –”

“What is he talking about – ” Michi’s voice raised an octave.

“Shit, Keal. Shut up – ” Panic. Kniles was panicking.

“Listen carefully, Michi. This guy here went berserk and thought that the only way to make you go away and forget about him was to be a total ass –”

“..Oh my god what are you talking about – ” Tears were choking Michi.

“KEAL. Dammit!”

“ – And it’s been eating him up. It’s destroying him because he couldn’t tell anyone and because he still loves you!”

Another empty silence. Jayson could feel chills rising up and down his spine. I don’t understand. If he still loves her, then.. why?

“That’s right,” Keal’s voice was broken. The things Drake had been doing to himself killed him the past year. It was good to be hungover.

“Wrong.” Michi was sobbing, her voice quavered. “Why would he do all that if he did?”

Exactly. Why? Jayson remained frozen in his spot. What the hell is happening? He shouldn’t be here, and yet..

“Because..” Drake’s voice quivered. “Your father.. and my mother. You’re my half-sister.”

Jayson couldn’t hear anymore. He got up quietly and headed out the gym quietly.

Michi was crying like crazy. Drake wasn’t insulting her, he was scared down to his keisters. And the drunk Keal was an ass. He wasn’t used to this. His thoughts were swimming. It’s been happening a lot lately. It was quite too much to take in, so he ran. He ran around the campus until it was dinnertime. He didn’t want to think of anything else at the moment, he’d go crazy if he would. But when he sat down next to Myk at the table, half the room went quiet. Half continued to argue about the night’s menu.

Eyes were on Drake Kniles. With his hands entwined with Michiko and they walked pass the dining hall.

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