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Michi was leaning against Cam on the sofa as he played a game against Jayson. He was a sweet little flirt and Michi helped him hook up with a lot of girls in the past few months. Jayson need not feel threatened with Cameron, he’d made it very clear that Michi was too perfect to be his type. They were sprawled on Rhap’s living room as they waited for him and Myk to return with food. 

“By the way..” Cam started as Jayson knocked down his champion. “Is Myk dating someone?”

Michi dropped the book she was reading and stared at Cam as if he spoke blasphemy. Jayson dropped the controller and stared as well. 

“Why’d you say that?” Michi closed the book and sat up.

Cam shrugged. “Probably nothing.”

“Cam,” Michi warned.

“Did he mention anything to you?” Jay asked Michi.

“No. Cam,” she repeated.

“It’s probably nothing,” Cam moved away from Michi.

“Define ‘probably nothing’.”

Michi and Jayson’s stares pressured him. “He was.. Making out with someone?”

“Making out?” Jayson stood up and crossed his arms.

“With whom?” Michi asked incredulous.

“She was pretty and..” Cam shrugged, and said nothing more as Rhap and Myk entered the room.

Three pairs of eyes stared after Myk. 

“What did I do this time?” Myk frowned and he dumped the grocery bag filled with food on the table.

“Nothing,” Michi blinked. A few moments later, the doorbell rang. “Oh, must be Allis. I left my jacket at her house.”

Jason stood up and went with Michi to open the door.

Cam eyed Myk who glared at him. “What?”

“Hey, this is Allis and --”


Five pairs of eyes turned to Cam as he stood and pointed an accusing finger at Michi’s blue-eyed friend.

“That. Is who Myk was making out with.”

“Well,” Rhap took a sip of his Coke. “That’s gonna be an interesting love story to tell.”

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