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“YOU FUCKING RETARD!” Rhap hit Jayson with the vase near his hospital bed. 

“That’s gotta hurt,” Cam winced.

“What did I do?” Jayson looked up from his bed.

“You dunked with your right hand, that’s what you did! We managed to catch up without causing anymore damage and look at what you did!” Rhap huffed indignantly. “We were going to lose, anyway. You didn’t have to hurt yourself more than you already did.”

“I had to try, Cap. I had a chance, and I took it.”

“Yea, well. We can’t lose you again, you understand?” Rhap softened and sighed. “Well done, though.”

“I’m sorry we lost.” 

“I think we won on most parts,” Myk grinned. “We gotta work on our left hands.”

“The implications not so pleasant for me,” Cam shrugged.

“You pervert,” Myk accused Cam, he just grinned.

“Jayson, I have no regrets. You shouldn’t have any either.” Rhap sighed before turning for the door, Cam stood up to follow. “Next year’s my last with the Red Dragons. No more punching innocent trees?”

Jayson grinned. 

“By the way, you’ve got a visitor.”

Rhap and Cam exited, and Keal stepped in, his hands in his pockets. Myk stood up from his chair and left without a word.

Keal waited for the steps to fade before fixing his stare on Jayson. “When do you get out?”

“Just after lunch. The coach is finalizing my release.”

“You’re stupid, you know that?” Keal arched a brow, his grey eyes piercing.

Jayson let out an indignant huff. “Yea, I got the picture. I’m stupid, you happy?”

An awkward silence filled the room. Keal fidgeted from the door. 

“Hey..” Jayson began. “Please don’t confess to me.”

Keal froze. “The fuck?”

“You look like a girl about to burst into confession.”

Jayson said it with a nonchalance so odd, Keal burst into a throaty laughter. The sound was so contagious that filled the entire hospital room, and Jayson joined the laughter.

“You really are stupid, Jayson,” Keal ran a palm over his face. “I’d rather we play a game next time when you’re in good form. Promise me that?”

Jayson leaned back on his bed frame. He didn’t miss the fact that Keal called him by his first name. “I can’t promise you that I’ll be physically sound, I can promise you that I’ll be giving it my best. Sorry for the crappy game.”

Keal extended his left arm, and Jayson shook his hand. “One more thing,” Jayson locked eyes with him. “I’m not gonna wait around anymore. Good luck with Michi.”

With that, Keal retracted his hand, gave him a small nod and left. 

- - - - - 

Jayson was snoozing when Michi entered his hospital room. He was going to be released in an hour or so, and the Awards Ceremonies was due tonight. She sat by his bedside, and watched his eyelashes tickle his cheeks. So many things had happened in the span of one week. Was it really possible to fall that quickly?

“Myk?” Michi called. 

Myk tilted his head a bit. He uncrossed his arms and moved to stand next to her. He had entered the room without a sound, surprised that Michi noticed him while she was so focused on Jayson.

“Have you.. Made up your mind?”

She pressed her lips to Jayson’s shoulder as he lay sleeping. Maybe.

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