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Hey guys I'm giving the smut a break for a bit... *cries* It was surprisingly easy to do... I'm a dirty child *chuckles darkly* well this is the first chapter when they are actually doing their job so it might suck more then Johnny Ghost does, if you know what I mean *wink wink nudge nudge* SOOOO on with da book!



     Me and Sir have another ghost problem at the Acachala's house, they said it's not one they've seen before... which kind of scares me. Not that we can take them or anything, it's just Sir has been acting strange lately and I really don't want him to get hurt again. 

     I don't like having to stitch him back up every other day! It hurts me just as much as it hurts him. I don't like seeing him hurt! "Are we there yet?" Oh my god! "Sir! We are on their street!" "Oh..." Oh my goodness he's so damn adorable! "OK we're here!" We get out of the car, grab our gear and walk up to the front door for what seems like the hundreth time this year. We knock on the door and wait a minute until we hear, "Who da hell are you? You one of 'dem cowboy ghost thing that think we're some gold miners" " Um Papa I don't think there are those..." CRASH! BANG! "I am Maxwell Acachala~"


    Maxwell? He never told us he had another kid! "Don't you remember brother?~" BROTHER?! We burst through the door holding our ghost equipment in our hands. Maxwell just stops, looks at me, looks at Johnny, looks at our equipment, then our guns, and laughs. And he doesn't just laugh he cackles!

     "You think some stupid little vacuums and a few bullets will stop me?~" he says while laughing. I sigh "One the aren't vacuums, insides these small machines are small capsules that work as a prison almost, but the trick is that these 'prisons' can hold extremely high amounts of energy and force. Two these aren't 'just a few bullets' these bullets suck up every last bit of paranormal energy in ten square feet of where the bullet was shot. So are we doing this the easy way or the hard way?"

     Johnny is just staring at me, impressed by my scientific knowledge. Maxwell looks like all the ectoplasm has been sucked right out of him. With a groan he takes a step forward, knowing there isn't a way in hell that he's is willing to give up, I take a step back and pull Johnny with me. Maxwell just stands there with an ass eating grin wiped across his face, the one that says 'the only way I'm going down is in a rain of bullets'. He picks up one of Papa Acachala's shotguns that he dropped. Grins and dissapears into the house. I look at Johnny he nods and we start setting traps. This is going to be a long day


Wishing to be with you (Johnny Toast x Johnny Ghost fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now