Maxwell (Part two)

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   JT's POV:

          Maxwell flies off somewhere in the house as we set up our equipment. Most of them are traps. "Sir, can you go find Maxwell and lure him downstairs for me love?" I'm so glad that the Acachalas weren't in the room for that. "Sure thing babe." He's says while kissing me on the cheek. I blush knowing that we'll have to tell them soon. "Oh my goodness! Awre you two a coupwle?" I whip my head around to see Sally peeking through the door. "Um Sally, yes actually... I was going to tell you guys, but we were waiting.

          "Waiting for what the grass to grow! I mean even me and Billy have had some passionate sex before you guys found out about each other!" said a frustrated Maddie Friend followed into the room by a very flustered looking Billy. I shoot a wide grin at Sir, remembering the night at the hotel. i can tell he understood my thoughts because he went bright red.

          "Well about that sex part..." I mumble to Sir, his face turns a bright maroon as he hides his face in his hands. "Wait, you and Billy?" i say forgetting about our talk about lovely sex. She just giggles as Billy hugs her from behind and holds up their hands showing off two glittering silver rings. I can here Sir gasp and say a bunch  of congrats, then he look at me about to ask most likely why I didn't tell them.

          "Ok OK! Enough! We can have our cozy catch up later, you have a ghost to catch. I'm not paying you to chat for a couple hours!" says Papa, I take one look at Sir, he nods and kisses me on the cheek and runs off into the house. "Ok Ghost is going to set more traps, i need you all to go wait outside. This might take a while so go watch a movie or go do something ok?" I say to the Acachalas before running off into the house after Sir.

          I catch up with sir and we walk down to the living room to set the last trap. I pull the small cage like object out of my bag and place it at the entrance to the living room, then I hear it. its quite but its noticeable, another voice one I've never heard here. It wasn't Billy, no defiantly not, not  Maxwell either his voice is like a cowboy. It's a mans voice but it sounds, feminine. Gavin?! Oh wait no, he is in England. It's not Sue she is at her friends house. The voice, there are two of them, coming from the basement, did Spencer not get informed about the ghost? I do feel bad for him, he always gets left out in family things. 

          Wait, Spencer must have his first friend over! I look at Johnny and nod towards the basement door. He gives me a look, listens to the voices, smiles and looks at me and nods. We open the door a bit. and listen to Spence. "I mean nobody playth thoth gameth anymore ethept me tho, i mean if you want to I can whip out my game cube (tm lol) and we can play thome of them if you want..." I can hear the excitement in his voice, funny i dont think I've heard him so happy before ( lol sorry Spence is gay in this ) so I just shrug and continue walking down the steps.

          "Um babe?  Who are they?" i hear the stranger say, Spencer just sighs turns around and calmly says, like he knew it was us, " They are the paranormal invethtigators, i'm thorry babe we have to leave." he looks up at me with a mix of anger and sorrow, "They forgot about me didnt they? Hmm wouldn't be the firtht time." he just takes hold of the strangers hand and looks at me and says, " By the way thith ith  * _____* he is my boyfriend." I look to Sir and i can tell that he is happy for Spencer but mad that the Acachalas didn't tell their own son about the murderous ghost in their house.

          "Very nice too meet you *_____* i'm Johnny and this is my partner... erm... we have the same name just call us by our last names Toast and Ghost." The young man nods and shakes our hands saying, "Very pleased to meet you Mr. Toast and Mr. Ghost thank you for informing us about the ghost. Come on baby lets go" The two walk up the stairs and I turn to Sir and motion for him too go first. We walk up the stairs and as the cute couple leaves i can hear Spence sobbing, " I mean i'm their own god damned son! At least they could do is... I don't know love me? Care for me? Feed me? I just I want..." i feel a pang of pity in my heart for him,  I turn back to Sir. I give him a look and his eyes widen, he nods and we walk up the stairs after i point out on my radar watch that one of they many traps has been activated.

          Once we make it up the steps I point down the hall to the last room, Papa Acachalas room. The red blinking light is in the outline of that room on my watch and I step in front of Sir, you know for... safety precautions. He sighs and opens his moth ready to protest but i put my finger to his lips and point to the room in which we are slowly advancing towards. Now we are just inches from the door, i reach my hand out to the doorknob. I hear Sir load his gun with ghost cage bullets, "Now remember you only have three of those. If he gets out of the cage, aim, first aim. Then give him a chance to surrender. Then shoot, ok?" Sir nods and I turn the handle.

          I open the door and i hear a click from my feet, i look down to see a thin wire that i stepped on. Shit  i think to myself, i push Sir back a step and enter the room cautiously looking around. Then I look to the trap to see a mini Maxwell inside, I see the look on his face and it gives me the chills. Its a death glare with a shit eating smirk, I can tell automatically that i fucked up. I start to hear small faint beeps, I turn to my left and see a smaller one of our traps with a giant mound of gunpowder next to it and a broken pistol next to it, there is a wire near the pile of powder. I follow the wire with my eyes and it leads right to the clear wire that i stepped on when i entered.

          Unlucky for me, Sir fit two and two together first and i heard him yell, "Get down its a trap!" he pushes me out of the way right before I hear a louder beep and the faint smell of smoke. "NO, SIR WAIT!" i loud bang fills the room, there is smoke everywhere and i hear a small laugh get louder, until its sound as if its in my head. "You think your puny little traps could stop Maxwell Acachalla?! HA it looks the jokes on you this time!". The smoke starts to clear just enough to see the outline of a ghostly figure, I take Johnny's pistol that is lying on the ground and aim. BANG! I miss, dang it. I lift it up again and aim, BANG! I bet i skimmed his hat that time. Only one more, gotta make it count, the smoke is getting to me and I'm feeling dizzy. BANG! "arg no! This cant be happening! I will seek revenge if it is the last thing I do!'

       What looks like an over sized, clear pill, falls to the floor with a mini Maxwell Acachala silently screaming inside. I look down and my eyes widen i horror, all that time i was trying to catch Max, I forgot about Sir! There is a big bloody line seeping through his sweatshirt. I'm to dizzy to scream my throat hurts too much. So i sit there holding Johnny close, hoping praying someone called for help. I bet they did because i hear sirens in the distance. I grab the capsule holding Maxwell prisoner, and I stuff it in my pocket. I hold Johnny close and mutter 'I love you so much, I'm so sorry' and I drift off into darkness.



Wishing to be with you (Johnny Toast x Johnny Ghost fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now