Chapter 1

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I flew, invisible, over Amity Park, the town that never wanted me. I touched down in the cemetery in an open plane with a single tree, old and twisted sat in its plot by the gravestones.

A few years ago Dan killed my family when the Nasty Burger exploded. It killed my mom, dad, Jazz, Sam, Tucker, and, sadly, Dani. The townspeople think Dani was me. Surprisingly, after word that I had ¨died¨ reached the Ghost-Zone no more ghosts attacked Amity.

Vlad Masters, mayor of Amity and my nemesis, went missing a few weeks after the Nasty Burger explosion. Last anyone saw, he was found down by the Ghost-Zone catacombs, drunk. A temporary mayor was placed in office until his return. Before he left, however, he sealed Fenton Works with a plaque placed outside as a memorial to my family and I. And a statue was dedicated to them as Amity's ¨fallen heroes¨ in town square.

I left a single white rose on each of their graves and and placed a delicate kiss along the top of Dani's grave. She may have just been my clone, but, to me, she had always been more like a daughter than a clone to me.

Dusting myself off as I carefully stood up on shaky knees, I flew into the Ghost-Zone and made a beeline for Clockwork's time tower.

Clockwork had always been the steady, loving father-figure in my life. The role my father never cared to fill and the very role Vlad had tried to fill in order to manipulate me into swaying over to his side, the dark side. After the ¨indecent¨ I was captured by the GIW, blamed for my own family and friend's death and tortured for ¨scientific researched¨ before I was finally able to escape. I fled to the dense woods on the outskirts of town before I collapsed from exhaustion, blood loss and agonizing pain. Later, after I'd come to, Clockwork had said he found me in a puddle of my own blood and had gone into shock before he had gotten me the medical attention I needed. He helped patch me up and learn how to cope with the changes forced on me.

He'd been there for all my sleepless nights, talked me through panic attacks and suicide attempts and he even helped me waid through the torture the GIW had put me through. I honestly don't think I could have made it as far as I have if he hadn't been there for me.

Four months of me living in the tower with him was all it took for Clockwork to make the decision to adopt me, but in a more-permanent way. With blood magic. Yes, I said blood magic. The ceremony we performed was called ¨blood bonding¨, an ancient ceremony of joining two bloodlines forever. By doing so, the timeline in Clockwork's blood balanced the genetic experiments the GIW did to me as well unlocked all the powers hidden in my own bloodlines. So now, instead of being a halfa: half human-half ghost, I'm now a hybrid: fifty percent ghost, thirty percent human, fifteen percent wolf, and five percent undefined. Weird, I know, but now I no longer age normally. I can change my appearance at will and I can completely stop ageing altogether if I want to. Which, essentially, makes me immortal.

After he found out just how much raw power I had, Clockwork trained me on how to harness and control it, if not him directly, then friends close enough to be considered family. If I wasn't training, eating or helping him, I was studying. I studied everything I could get my hands on: languages, cooking and baking, math, science, everything.

¨Dad, I'm home!¨ I call as I touched down, letting myself turn into my human form.

¨Welcome home, my little Ningyó.¨ He said warmly, hugging me.

I frowned at the stress lines around his eyes and the crease in his brow. ¨What's wrong?¨

His smile drops instantly with a heavy sigh. ¨A group of people, or person, rather, are digging a little too deeply into information on me from when I acted as an informant to prevent a catastrophic disaster in one of my more favorite dimensions. I am afraid that they may uncover something and come looking for me when they do.¨

We're both silent for awhile, lost in our thoughts.

¨What if I were to go to that dimension and pretended to be you in order to lead them asrat so that you could remove any trails of your involvement?¨

A blinding smile makes its way onto his face as he beams at me in proud happiness. ¨What a wonderful idea!¨

¨So...who am I messing with?¨ I ask with a mischievous smile.

He shares my smile as he answers. ¨Batman, the league and all their sidekicks.¨

My smile grows wicked. ¨This is going to be so much fun!¨


A/N: ¨Ningyó¨ is japanese for ¨puppet¨ or ¨doll¨

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