Chapter 2

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~Robin's POV

I was called to Mnt. Justice when Bats spotted an unauthorized rift deep in space. When I got there Black Canary, Green Arrow and the team were waiting for me.

¨Your mission is to meet the one responsible for the space rift, claiming to be an informant I've been trying to track down. Find out who they are, what they know then report back to the League immediately.¨

¨Why do we have to clean up your mess?¨ Superboy demanded, pissed at having to cancel his and Miss M's date last minute for this.

Batman's eyes narrowed dangerously.

¨What he means is: why are we recovering the information-?¨ I asked.

¨If I may,¨ Aqualad interrupts me, ¨who is the informant and where do we find them?¨

~Danny's POV

Clockwork sent me to the ¨problematic¨ dimension through a portal in space that was meant to garter the Batman's attention. He told me, just before I left, that I could do whatever I pleased and that I could live in any of the many houses he owns. I chose the waterfront penthouse in Blüdhaven not too far from Gotham.

After checking out the house, I changed into my older ghost form-twenty three-and went to a locally owned, outrageously famous club called Cyclone. I was immediately admitted into the club as soon as I got there and went straight for the dance floor.

~Robin's POV

When we got to the rendé vu location Batman gave us we were surprised to find it was the most high-end club in the city. Cyclone, Gotham's only neutral establishment between villains and heros. There most strict rule is: ¨Any fighting between villains and heros in this club will get you thrown out and blacklisted from every club within a hundred mile radius.¨ And it's enforced very strongly, not even the Joker is willing to push his luck inside the club.

Miss Martian used her telekinetic powers to make us all look older to the bouncers and we were ushered inside without any trouble.

¨What would an informer with dirt on Batman and the League be doing at a dance club?¨ Artemis asks.

¨What did Batman say they looked like?¨ Aqualad asks, effectively cutting off what Kid Flash was about to say to Artemis.

¨He didn't,¨ I say while looking around, ¨all we know is that their code name is Nio.¨

Artemis raised a skeptical brow at that, crossing her arms over her chest with a huff. ¨And just how are we going to find them in this dense crowd?¨

¨Just look for a huge group of people surrounding a specific per-¨

¨You mean like that?¨ Superboy interrupts, pointing behind us.

We all turn to see an older teen, a few years older than us, dancing in the middle of the dance floor with a girl with pink and red streaked hair.

~Danny's POV

I left the dance floor and headed to the bar for a drink.

¨What can I get you?¨ The bartender, a young man with dark brown hair that slowly faded into black bangs in a traditional bartender uniform, asked with a flirty smile.

¨One cherry-rum chaser with a splash of vodka and a water for my friend.¨ I say with a flirty smile of my own as I took a seat at he bar. And, a moment later, the person tailing me followed, taking the stool next to mine.

¨Here you go.¨ The bartender said as he set the drinks down in front of me. ¨Free of charge,¨ he added as I went to reach for my wallet, ¨for a kiss.¨

I give him a charming smile and lean in to give him a light peck on the lips. Laughing lightly when a small blush appeared on his face before he smiled and went to go serve someone else at the other end of the bar.

I slide the water over the person next to me as sipped at my own, smiling at the taste. ¨So. You're the Boy Wonder. Robin, prodigee to the Batman: the Dark Knight.¨ I say as I finally turn to address him directly. ¨Honestly, I'm not all that impressed. Your teammates need to work on their stealth tactics. Especially around the the person who holds all the information your mentors are vying for. Information I may or may not give you.¨

The rest of the young justice crowded around as I was talking and were now either sitting at the bar or standing behind and beside their youngest member.

I tilt my head, studying their varying expressions: shock, annoyance, anger and...awe?

Miss Martian suddenly squealed and Artemis looked like she was biting back hers as they stared at me recognition.

¨You're the Nio, the most famous international male model!¨ They said in unison and the others looked lost at the exclamation. All except Robin. He looked like the cat that got the cream.

I offer my ¨professional¨-read: fake-smile. ¨That I am.¨

~Robin's POV

¨Do you have the information we want or not?¨ Superboy demands hotly.

His smile turns crafty. ¨Well now, I wouldn't be much of an informant if I didn't. Now would I?¨ Nio said with a wink.

Now I see why Batman is so cautious of what else he may know.

He tips his head back, finishing off the rest of his drink and pulls a small envelope out from his coat pocket.

¨All the Bats wants to know is right here. Now watch real close now kiddos or it might just disappear.¨ He threw it in the air and I instinctively caught it.

When we looked back down he was gone.

I handed the envelope Nio gave us to Batman and watched as the corners of his mouth creased in a deep frown before he stormed out and zeta beamed to the League HQ, leaving Nio's note to fall to the floor. I picked it up, wondering what he could have found out to have made him so mad.

It read:

¨Watch for the rat, for you it is you whom he strikes next.

Be aware and prepare.

Tis the owls that follows the rat, and the bats will play.

Find me again, if you dare, and I shall

give you one more clue.


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