Chapter 8

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~Danny POV
I was in study hall when I was summoned to the headmaster's office. I gathered my things, got a hall pass from the teacher, and left.

"Phone call for you, Daniel." The Headmaster said, handing me the phone.

(A/N: This is Robin, This is Danny)




"Yeah. Ah, listen...Alfred and Bruce are going on a business trip and I was wondering.....can I stay at your place until they get back? I'd ask Wally, but him and his family are going on their annual family outing-"

"Dick," I say to stop his rambling. "It's fine. I get out of classes around eight o'clock tonight, then I'm free for the next two months."

"Well, you see," he squeaked nervously. "Alfred and Bruce insist on meeting you and they leave around six..."

Sigh. "Hold on," I tell him and explain things to the Headmaster.
"My Headmaster says that I can leave to go home now, as long as I come back to finish my nightly classes. He also says that you are welcome to attend classes with me as long as we stop by his office to assign you a visitors pass first."

"Sounds great. When you want to meet?"

I check the time on my watch. "Well, study hall is about we meet at my house in thirty? I think I've still got some left overs, we can eat before we head back to the university."

We chatted for a few more minutes before I had to head home to start preparing their arrival. I got home and immediately went to the kitchen and popped the food I'd made a few days prier into a pot on the stove.

The door bell rang just as I set the last plate on the table. Wiping my hands on a dish towel, I opened the door and came face-to-chest with a man in a fancy business suit.

~Robin POV
Alfred pulled the car to a stop in front of Danny's penthouse an we all got out. Bruce raised a questioning eyebrow but didn't say anything as Alfred rang the door bell. I herd the soft patter of Danny's feet on the hard wood floor as we came to the door, I could tell Bruce herd it too by the way he straightened his posture.

The door opened and Danny, still in his school uniform, came face-to-chest with Bruce. It was quite adorable really. He blinked in surprise before looking up at Bruce.

Bruce stuck out his hand for him to shake. "I'm-"

"Bruce Wayne, I know." Danny said for him with a small smirk, shaking his hand. "My name is Danny. And you," he said, peering around Bruce with a smile, "must be Alfred. Won't you come in? I was just about to plate the food."

I led them to the dinning room while Danny went into the kitchen to get the food.

"I hope left overs are okay." He said as he set a chilled salad, a bowl of soup, a platter of some kind of fried dish, and a gravy boat filled with a sweet brown liquid.

We helped ourselves and I was, once again amazed at how good Danny's cooking was.

"What all is this?" Bruce asks, trying to get conversation going.

Danny wiped his mouth discreetly before answering. "Tan Tan noodles with sliced beef, salad tossed in a light vinaigrette and fried dumplings served with a sweetened ginger sauce."

Alfred smiled approvingly. "I must have your dumpling recipe, these are wonderful."

Danny smiles and we all tuck back into our food as a comfortable silence falls over us. After we ate, Danny took Alfred to go see his garden out back while Bruce and I grabbed my bags from the car.

------Time skip brought to you by Markiplier!❤️------

~Danny POV

We eventually ended back up at the dinning room table eating Danny's homemade strawberry shortcake with a vanilla bean ice cream on the side.

"So, Danny, where do you go to school?" Bruce asks.

"I'm currently a senior at Wells Unicersity."

Bruce looked surprised. "What classes are you attending?"

"My morning classes are Continmm Physics, Astro-Physics and Phsycology. Then, after break, I have Astrology and Astronomy for my night classes. I also occasionally attend lectures on Anamity, Bioinfirmatics and Biophysics."

Bruce had a look pure shock, Alfred looked both proud and interested and Dick....Well, Dick looked surprised but impasive.

"That's a lot of classes to juggle for a kid your age."

How old do you have to be? I thought sacastically. "And how old do you suppose I am, Mr. Wayne?" I ask coolly.

Dick answered before Bruce could stick his foot in his mouth again and embarrass himself any more.

"Seventeen?" Dick guessed.

"No. Would you like to try, Mr. Wayne?" I ask pointedly.

He clears his throat uncomfortably under the weight of my stare. "No, I would not."

"My classes are off-set for every other day so that I don't over work myself. My age has nothing to do with my capacity to learn." I say with narrowed eyes. "If I can graduate high school at the age of thirteen, I do believe I am capable of maintaining honor classes as a senior in college at the age of nineteen."

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