Chapter 6 (filler)

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~Robin POV
Wally and I were walking around Gotham, talking. Bruce and I had gotten in a huge argument that ended in me storming out, Wally tagged along since it was getting late and has been trying to cheer me up since he found me....he has yet to succeed.

"Oh! Why don't we go visit Danny, he always put you in a better mood."

"Wally, I doubt he'd be awake at three o'clock in the morning."

"C'mon Rob!" He whined. "We'll never know till we try."

Sigh. "Fine."

Wally dragged me to Danny's penthouse and knocked on the door.

Danny opened the door, wearing sleep pants and a long sleeved tee. He smiled and invited us in as soon as he opened the door. Shutting the door behind us, we followed him into the kitchen, where a mouthwatering smell hit us.

Danny gave us a knowing look as he moved about the kitchen, "you guys hungry?"

"Yes!" Wally exclaimed.

"I could eat," I say as I shrug my shoulder.

His smile widened, "I was hoping you'd say that."

He placed a plate in front of us and himself before putting a dish of pasta in the middle of the table and scooped out a helping for the three of us.

I gingerly took a bite and was immediately hit by the most incredible taste.

"What is this?" Wally asks, already on his second helping.

"It's called Spaghetti Peperoncino. It's a dish I picked up from my time in Italy."

"You've been to Italy?" I ask.

He nodded  and pointed to a collection of photos on a shelf. "My father loves authentic Italian wine, so we would occasionally go to buy a few cases of wine every ten years or so."

"What's all in Spaghetti Peperoncino?"

"It has your basic ingredients for Spaghetti, such as; garlic, oregano, Italian parsley, olive oil, and noodles. But, it also has red chili pepper for a touch of spice."

"Well, it's really good!" Wally says.

Danny smiles. "Thank you, most of my ingredients come from my back garden."

"Really?" I ask, my fight with Bruce long forgotten.

He nods his head in agreement and we finish eating when the oven beeps. With a smile, Danny disappears into the kitchen and returns with what looks like sugar coated bread.

"For desert, we have Pumpkin Roll." Danny says, giving us a slice. "Think of it has a pumpkin pie rolled up with cream cheese as the filling."

I smiled at the taste, humming in delight. It was sweet without being too sweet, while the cream cheese balanced out the pumpkin to give it a smooth texture.

"Alfred would be green with envy if he ever tried this," Wally told me.

"You guys can take some home if you want to," Danny said, "I made a couple more loafs if you want to take them home with you."

"Did you grow the pumpkins too?" Wally teased.

Danny huffed. "Don't be ridiculous, I bought the canned ones from the store." He said as he gathered up the dishes before checking the clock on the wall. "It's already four thirty in the morning, you guys just wanna crash here for the night? I can wake you guys up when I go to my classes." He offered as Wally yawned and rubbed his eyes.

We share a look and shrug before looking up at Danny with a small smile. "That'd be great, thanks."

"Cool. Let me clean up real quick then I'll show you guys where you can sleep. I think I might have some clothes you can borrow to sleep in."

We helped clean and put away the food, then Danny gave us some sleep pants and a couple comfy shirts and led us to the guest room.

The next morning we waved bye to Danny, a bag of Pumpkin Rolls tucked under our arms, and went to meet up with the team. We told them about our time with Danny as we passed our slices of Pumpkin Roll to everyone.

(A/N: not a long chapter, I know, but it's also not a strictly filler chapter either. It's mainly just a chapter to add a bit more dialog for future chapters and because the next few chapters are kinda short. Thanks!😊)

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