Chapter 10: part 2

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Danny POV
I locked the door after Conner and went to my room for the night. I had just pulled the covers back on my bed when I herd a loud POP! from behind me.

Turning around, a huge smile appears on my face.

"Nico!" I squeak, pulling him into a tight hug.

"Hey Danny." He said with a small smile of his own. "I hadn't herd from you in a while and your dad told me where I could find you."

". . . . I missed you too, Nico" I tell him, knowing what he was trying to say without actually having to say it.


Robin POV
The team and I found ourselves back in familiar circumstances as we walked into Cyclone in search of Nio.

///////////////Time Skip////////////////////////////

We found Nio in one of the back booths that overlooked the club, sharing a drink with the bartender from last time we were here and one of the bouncers. We all sat at the table, trapping him in the corner. He gave us a smirk as he played with the bartenders hair as he drunkly leaned into Nio's chest and I saw Kaldur, Wally and Conner tense in my peripheral vision.


"What's this? Did my little pasáre micá and friends miss me?" He teased with a smile.

"Cut the crap" Conner growls and, for once, Kaldur is not showing any signs of stopping him this time.

Nio gives him a strange look before looking over at the bouncer standing by the table.

"Lucas, take your boyfriend home to sleep off his hangover."

"Yes sir." He says, gently scooping the bartender up before disappearing through the door.

"Now," he says, leaning his chin into his palm, "why are you here?"

"We have reason to believe that you have motive to kidnap a local college student and we want to know where he is." I say before Conner can open his mouth to give another rude answer.

"I haven't the foggiest idea what you're talking about. I'm an informer, not a bloody kidnapper." He says, insulted. "Why would I want to steal a child?"

"Uh, maybe because they were close to us and you wanted more inside dirt on us." Wally says, still glaring at Nio.

Nio gives a dry laugh. "Don't flatter yourself, tabby-cat. If I wanted to know more about you, I wouldn't have to ask anyone, let alone kidnap someone."

"And yet you did" Wally says.

"This is absolutely ridiculous and I won't stand for it." He says before vanishing much like he did the last time they crossed paths.

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