Chapter 5: part 1

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~??? POV
I watched the chaos erupting in the street below me with pure child-like glee. The Justice League and their sidekicks were fighting to put out warehouse and apartment complex fires while some were stuck in glue traps or fighting the villains who decided to celebrate in the panic the fires caused.

I giggled and watch as both Red Arrow and Robin get stuck in a glue trap.

Did I start this madness? No, but I also did nothing to stop the one who did. He even gave me a cookie for not trying to stop him!
~Robin's POV
I pushed Roy out of the way of an incoming pipe, getting stuck in one of the glue traps.

"So not feeling the aster..." I say as Mr. Freeze approached Rob and I in the glue trap, ready to turn us into human ice statues as we tried to shield ourselves.


My eyes widened in shock as I saw...

(A/N I was gonna leave it there but I'm not that mean. Enjoy!~ 💜)
My eyes widened in shock as I saw Nio?!

What is he doing here?!

He was standing in front of Roy and me arms spread at his side with some kind of energy field around him.(A/N picture at top)

As soon as the ice blasts stopped Nio let the energy field drop and fired a concentrated blast of energy at Mr. Freeze, stopping him in his tracks almost instantly.

(A/N: I know Robin and Superboy won, but imma do Kaldur as the main pairing and do a harem😉💜)

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